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Saturday 12 September 2020

Sense and Sensibility

 "We are all prisoners of hope." Cornel West

Haven't seen Bella for a while, a beautiful gentle street cat that loved to cuddle and accompany my husband or me when shopping in the neighborhood. I had tried to take her indoors, but she didn't agree with my other cats. Wanting to save her from having too many babies, I had her spayed and she was fine afterwards, remained detached to us, I enjoyed seeing this little bundle of joy come running to me. I fear she must be dead and there is now a black and white younger cat, Betty, who copies her. Worrying she might get run over by a car, depending on where I am going, I sometimes return to the house and fetch a bit of food to distract Betty before I start off again. She is so cute, I am pretty sure Betty lived in a family before and some other fur jewels as well. They deserve better. Strange, there are folks who worry that getting a cat or dog spayed and neutered may be "Haram" (against the religion), yet kittens are thrown in the garbage, those considered surplus put out on the street, others willfully killed, brutally murdered. We urgently require animal protection laws, like existing in other civilized countries. One of the best countries for animals is Turkey: "All animals are born equal and have a right to live, to be protected against infliction of pain, suffering and torture, prevention of all types of cruel treatment." In addition it is proposed in a coming law to fine those who abandon their pets 10 000 Turkish Lira (approx 1,745 Dollar) and imprison a minimum of two years and one month for crimes committed against animals, no bail no fine sentence instead possible. Wow, this is fantastic! Quite a few Tunisian are interested in Turkish culture, say we have a lot in common, why not learn from Turkey a different attitude towards animals, punish their abuse and senseless killing, teach children to respect animal rights and that it is HARAM to do them any harm. By the way, the other day I watched a little boy attempting to kick a cat and when I shouted Haram, his mother walking behind him at a short distance made a sign showing me she approved of my reaction. (Usually parent and child just look surprised.) Three of the last eight cat babies that a woman had packed in a plastic bag and thrown onto my cactus plants, suddenly died approx two months old. They always remained skinny in spite of all my efforts. Cats' mother milk powder is helpful to raise the babies, but not the real thing.... my babies look for a mum and try other cats here of various ages, male and female. Some enjoy playing mum, even male cats, interesting. Two of the originally four lovely gentle female cats, at the time four months old, cramped together in a box left in front of my door, mainly live on my roof terrace and several of my other cats frequently try to provoke them. I don't know why they do this, maybe they feel we are too many already. Anyhow, Rachel and Rachida are not happy with those other cats and I wish a good home for my sweet ladies. (The other two girls were adopted) I need to find a family for them as well. They deserve a good for ever home where they can ideally live together. The original family wanted to put all four out on the street but their approx eight years old boy showed sympathy and brought them to us. Sometimes children are better than their parents. This gives me hope. I believe that if kids are taught the right values they could even teach adults!