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Monday 26 October 2020

PostScript Retirement and Death in Tunisia (May 16th)

 "Hell is other people." Jean Paul Sartre
The information I had and posted was not correct, Trautchen, the German lady who passed away in March, was not buried by her landlord, but through a woman across the road from her, a person who according to Trautchen can not to trusted, whom she would not leave on her own in any room of her house. Very strange. While I had been told she didn't find her final rest on the cemetery for Christians (Les Cypres, between Sousse and Khalaa Sghira), but at some unknown other place, she was actually buried  among other Christians (mainly from European countries). The funeral was very sad, I am told, only an elderly woman with a head scarf arrived. Buried in a simple wooden box with a matching grave, naked soil, old bricks on three edges and cement on the forth, no grave stone, like a homeless person. The elderly woman said she would upgrade the grave later on, but never returned. The funeral had been delayed as Trautchen died in her rented villa and authorities had to investigate first whether she died of a natural cause. Then the German embassy was informed who contacted her siblings and cleared legal questions. Corona led to a further delay. Trautchen had spent a not so small fortune on the interior of the villa she occupied, in addition she had three or four Motorolas for handicapped persons. The terrace was full of plants and various statues. The inheritance of all this was not enough to pay for a decent grave and headstone? Well it isn't if you are greedy! I don't know what happened to Trautchen's last will. She had told me she settled everything, paid for her funeral in advance, so her children won't have to spent a penny. To the best of my knowledge that woman across the road cleared the house, paid outstanding bills (if not covered by the bank account) and manged to get money from Trautchen's children in Germany for the funeral. When my husband and I found her anonymous grave, we were shocked. A marble headstone and enclosure, a few flowers suitable for the climate here, doesn't cost much! It is so embarrassing, but not for anyone without shame. The cemetery is neat and well kept, a gardener works there full time. He told us they get there from time to time folks who say they will return and make the grave look nice, including a gravestone etc. but never return. By the way, on All Saints Day, Nov. 1st will be a ceremony held on the Les Cypres cemetery with a priest, in memory of the deceased. Nice idea for families and friends who lost a loved one. Below on the right how we finally discovered Traudchen's grave, very basic, a poor man's grave (naked soil, no plants, no grave stone, nameless)