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Sunday 28 February 2021

A Decade after the Revolution

"Man is effected not by events but by the view he takes of them. Associate with people who are likely to improve you." Seneca
A decade after the revolution many remain disappointed with what has been achieved, calling for " a war on corruption, repression and impunity". There is obviously more freedom and good new laws, many remain in the draw, I am told. Following a long dictatorship the majority doesn't like to follow instructions and regulations. Without control they are frequently ignored, even when they make sense. This is well demonstrated by the handling of safety belts. They are supposed to be worn by drivers outside of town and this is checked at well known police (garde) control points. Well observed by almost all - normally for two minutes untill out of site. Phoning while driving, you wouldn't think it's forbidden. Social distance keeping in view of Corona rare among kids, adults don't seem to be convinced of the need or getting tired of this. Face masks are cheaper now but those with little money consider this something they can do without. Six thousand kids under the age of ten have caught Corona so far, are parents aware of this? Twenty percent of the population is estimated to be poor, thirty percent unemployed, mainly young people, a high percentage with university education, what a waste of intelligence, leaving them without opportunity to forward Tunisia. Cuba is a small country, they have done better. In my opinion we could learn from them. By the way, while Ben Ali had himself a castle build in just about every big town, Fidel Castro lived very modestly and had hardly any money on his bank account. Tunisia has to cope with several greedy politicians, ministers, bank directors and others shamelessly more or less successfully robbing the country, not driven by need, but by greed. Those who praise Ben Ali I ask what did he do for Tunisia? Do we need here luxerio palasis instead of water treatment plants? Doctors advice to just drink mineral water ( low nitrate, below five), as the tapped water creates stones in the body and harms the kidneys, it even effects cats, three of mine died of kidney problems. Poor folks can't afford to buy mineral water! Would anyone who loves his country suppress her citizens, no free speech, govern by fear, support corruption? The effect of the long suppression are after the revolution still there. Some believe they have total freedom now, this includes not having to educate their children, no respect for anyone, free to pollute, in particular kids and youngsters ignore Corona restrictions, they like to hug and sit next to each other on the pavement if there aren't any benches,  boys don't miss school as long as they can football with a lot of screaming ( if singing can spread Corona, wonder whether screaming does as well), they laugh about
 police - until they turn up! Very sad. Much can be achieved with more control, proofing that the government means business. We have many good and honest people, solidarity can make us strong and achieve progress for Tunisia. More and more folks in North Africa recognize the value of animals and are willing to aid and support them, this gives me hope. It is in line with the Quran and maybe the Mufti can teach the ignorant to respect Allah's creations.