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Thursday 22 July 2021

The Good, the Bad and the Ignorant

This is Sousse
Activists in Ukrainek, and some other countries meanwhile, who had enough of animal abusers. 
Maybe one day the table will be turned.

 Men generally more judge by the eyes than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are. Niccolo Machiavelli

Happiness is having a beautiful fur angel (or more) purring on my lap, thus telling me: I love you, it's great to be with you. You are all I need. Perfect love! Animal abusers don't know what they are missing. In Tunisia you can find absolutely gorgeous cats out on the street. Often placed there by families that did not appreciate what they had. Some try to find an alternative so that they can feel alright. Sorry, I am not your solution. My husband and I, as well as our fur family have reached our absolute limit concerning space, energy and finance. We are neither rich nor young and are self-financing. We would love to help all animals  and all unfortunate folks, but that is totally unrealistic. The situation of animals, in particular cats and dogs, is depressing. The other day a woman tried to persuade my husband that we can and should take her cat with the four babies. While she didn't see herself fit to look after the little family and didn't understand her responsibility for the babies (spay and neuter if you don't want your cat to have babies), we are expected to do miracles. Very strange. I hear cat babies screaming, one golden yellow behind my metal fencing, between my cactus plants and another one, black and white, shivering on top of my yucca plant. They were placed there by some selfish persons, who just don't care whether I can cope with more additions or not. And then there are those clever folks who believe it is Haram (forbidden according to the Quran) to have cats and dogs spayed and neutered. Killing them though is okay? A man viewed a dog having sex on the street and believed this would entitle him to beat the dog to death. Twisted mind. I hope he will be held accountable for his evil deed. Strange things are going on in some folks head. Hope it won't get worse with Corona, which effects the brains of several survivors. While in the beginning of the pandemic it looked good and promising in Tunisia, we now managed to have the highest death rate in the world. In view of our poor health service system, we urgently need experts and international help. Many continue to ignore the protective measures. Like children, only follow if this is controlled. In Kairouan military does this with success. In Sousse folks seem to be free to accept or ignore the restrictions. In the German newspaper TAZ was recently a long article printed about the present situation in Tunisia. They stated that even diplomats are shocked how Tunisian customs work and compared it to the colonial time. Not surprising then that important articles, e.g. imported medicine, is maktur (at present not available). Veterinarians complain that products are unnecessarily held back at customs. I remember during Ben Ali's regime being blankly asked by airport officials to give them small presents (shampoo, chocolate, etc). This has stopped. We have a lot of diabetics, medicine often maktur, nevertheless many cereals, fruit juices, etc sold with an extra portion of sugar or honey, very strange. My only alternative is frequently to drink water or with some luck fresh fruit juice without additions. There appear to be more beggars, their story may or may not be true. Be careful if you get out your purse that it won't get stolen. I viewed five sheep in the neighborhood bought to be slaughtered for the big religious celebration. Prior to this the sheep spends a few days with the family that will try to fatten it and the children take it for a walk, play with it, all too often without regard that it is an animal that feels stress (taken from it's usual surrounding), fear and pain. Buying a sheep is a big expenditure for a poor family, in my opinion not a must. A woman married to a poor sick man, selling self-made flat round bread, told us her daughter's biggest wish is that they buy a sheep and wanted us to donate for this. My husband told her no, we ourselves won't buy a sheep and when you are poor there are better ways to spend your money and you ought to teach your daughter to be modest with her wishes, that will make life easier for her and her family. One can buy a piece of meat instead. A few days later that woman's husband arrived and told us that they have no money for food.