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Sunday, 6 November 2016

changes for the better

People often have a bad memory when they think of the past.It seems to be so much easier to remember what was good than what was bad. Not all changes can happen over night, don't demand too much straight away. Changes I noticed already: there is so much more freedom. People are no longer afraid to speak openly and they use this freedom to critise a lot. They feel Tunisia should do so much more for them, yet there are things they can do themselves! Quite a few people (like me) sweep the pavement and road in front of their house. They want their street to be clean and proper. There is quite a lot less plastic on the road from Souse to Kairouan than before the Revolution. Generally speaking, Kairouan altogether seems to be much cleaner. In Europe you have to pay a fine, if you just drop your litter anywhere. It helped a lot to achieve clean roads! In the shops you find a larger choice, products I missed when Tunisia was ruled by Ben Ali, his greedy wife and in-laws. Products from Europe are of course more expensive and not all can afford them. Bread, fruit and vegetables are so cheap no one should go  without, but when you haven't got a job it' not easy. Don't expect to find a job sitting all day in a cafe. A lot can be done with good ideas, may be ask expats who come here with good intentions. As for me, I had thought of teaching mothers how to make toys without spending money (not for me either).               The customs no longer ask: did you bring Parabol? Most people have TV, smart phones & internet. If you think all the old cars from Europe are now in North Africa  may be in Africa, but certainly not in Tunisia! Pity though, the bikes more or less  disppeared, they are so much better for your health, the environment - don't pollute the air with noise and exhaust gas unlike those now ever so popular motor-cycles. More toys on offer, much plastic from China, as one would expect. Good books would be so much better, in spite of the internet.     In the flee market I've seen some expensive trade products, imported in bulk from Europe. No longer the third quality products like before the revolution, sounds good, but not for all. Just imagine you are a tailor, bad  for business.  If you have the money to pay a private doctor, you can find good doctors who have more time for their patients and discover causes for illnesses that their colleagues in Europe never did find (there time is money, if a doctor wants to make money, he/she needs a lot of patients as the health insurance doesn't pay much per head; even though the contributions are fairly high).      What else has                                              changed? Not so much police on the streets. Ben Ali's picture posters everywhere - they have all disappeared, thus the shops look more inviting now. Women have more rights and are more demanding now - so I am told. School lesses are extended until round about 17.00 hrs.,  5 weeks school and then 1 week off, a vast improvement. There is so much these kids need to learn and I hope they enjoy it, I as an adult, am still happy to learn something new every day.

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