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Tuesday 1 May 2018

Spring Time

A commercial agent visited a poor farmer as he intended to sell him a milking machine. The poor farmer advised him that he's got only one cow and the bank won't give him a loan. So the commercial agent told him: "Not a problem, just give me your cow for payment" (Or did he say as first instalment?). - Thank heaven the days are getting warmer, but when it's cloudy the temperature drops considerably. As in previous years I either find kittens in a box in front of my entrance door or kids/teens or adults want to hand me 1 or 2 directly. I found in a book the advise, if you have too many kittens/cats, and no one to take them, leave them near a hotel, tourists will feed them. Looks like the advise here is, leave them with me or at my door step. Something has changed though, I managed this year to find new families for lovely little fur angels, so far for 6 (always 1 at a time) and in 1 case my shelter was only required temporarily as 1 little darling was already dearly missed by her family. (I don't like the expression "owner" and I refuse to see animals as objects.) - The other day I was surrounded by a group of young hooligans (or should I say disturbed kids  from the surrounding area?) demanding baby cats and sweets. This I refused for obvious reasons, helpless kittens should never be handed to children as toys, even worse to these here, no manners, no respect, no empathy. In addition I do not know what for I should reward them with sweets. When we first moved here, one lady warned us not to give any presents to these kids here, they would demand them daily, knocking on your door, without shame. I must admit I did not always follow her advise. Anyhow, they followed me to the garbage container place and back to my house, yelling together at ear-splitting level, I felt threatened. After I got inside my house, they banged at the door. As I rejected their demands they decided to take revenge and bend part of the iron strip that our locksmith had welded onto the net-iron sheeting (partly bend as well) outside, designed to protect our house and plants against  footballs and hooligans. By the way, if you think envy and revenge are perhaps typical shortcomings of many Arabic characters, you are mistaken. What about Donald Trump, his envy of B. Obama's achievements (e.g. "Obama-Care") and popularity, and Trump's constant firing of men he employed himself for high posts (ejector seat for those who dare to use their own brain), isn't this taking revenge? For all I know Trump is not an Arab, his family originates from Bavaria. -  An excavator briefly parked in this road, was discovered by a young boy, approx. 5 years old, he seemed to believe that this is a new toy his parents bought for him so that he can do bigger damages. A tradesman saw the little boy climbing up to the seat and he had to tell the kid 5 times to get off the vehicle, to him there appeared to be no reason to do that, what's on the street the children regard as their property and don't some car owners regret parking outside. Luckily the excavator was removed not long later. - The other day a young lady asked whether she can come inside to chose a cat. I informed her that I want to keep all the cats that I've been living with for a while  (up to 5 years), they are a kind of family for us. Sometimes I receive a request for a grey cat or a white cat, maybe I should create a catalogue ...... What do these people think, that I breed cats? One woman wanted one already vaccinated (approx. 90Dinar). I am not a charity organisation, I am only me, with limited means. In Germany I once got a cat from an animal protection organisation, fully checked, teeth done, vaccinated, great - but I had to pay for all this. To be fair, there are also different families in the neighbourhood, excellent manners, well behaving kids, the difference is amazing. They are like a ray of sunshine. Good to know them too. - Tony, a black and white tomcat, with a bigger head then usual, has a very special way of lifting his head and looking me straight in the eyes. He hasn't got a home and is a regular visitor to my cats' table. One day I noticed that he is loosing weight,  doesn't eat, just puts his nose near his food in an attempt to smell it, suffering from a cold this isn't possible. As cats only eat what they can smell (a protection by nature which can backfire though, as a blocked nose can lead to starvation in spite of available food); high time to clean his nose and add a cough remedy to his drinking water. It turned out he trusts me and just allows me to clean his nose and ears as often as necessary (cats hate this procedure). He is much better now and likes to hang around near my house. So  does a newcomer, a white cat, looking a bit neglected - a sign of sickness - and she had fleas (gave her a remedy). I wonder whether she had a home before and lost it when she got sick. The folks around here like white cats and she looks pretty with her long white hair, black cats are not so popular, uneducated people believe they bring bad luck. Wouldn't like to live without my 2 fantastic black lady cats, they are adorable. Whenever I am in the sitting room and they want to join me, they knock at the door, my lovely Lilly and Felicitas. Now Allien is copying them, but I won't let him come in as he likes to chew cables. When I have to distribute medication to my little darlings, I usually pulverise the pills and mix this under soft cheese. It can also help to pretend other cats are receiving the identical product and are enjoying it. The same kind of trick works with kids sometimes. - On the 16th of May Ramadan starts, this means neither food nor drink of any kind from sun rise until the sun goes down, if you are religious, no smoking in public or even taxi, unless you are a tourist. Communal election this month, most citizens say they won't vote, too disappointed with the administration ("Belladia"). The author Safwan M. Masri said in an interview on TV, France 24 that Tunisia is divided, there are those who want to live like Europeans and on the other hand those who would like to set the clock back, have woman dressed in black, Burka and head scarf. Safwan M. Masri just published a book: Tunisia an Arab Anomaly. (Haven't read it, can't judge). I am optimistic and pray for intelligent, decent, tolerant politicians who love and forward this country and successfully fight corruption.

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