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Wednesday 20 June 2018

Postscipt Different Angle

"An eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a tooth would lead to a world of the blind and toothless" (Mahatma Gandhi? His biographer Louis Fisher?) It appears to be a wide-spread fashion to take revenge, not necessarily on the person who caused the anger but on anybody available. (Politicians do, simple folks do) Some feel society owns them something, if others are better off, no matter what, they don't deserve it. We've been receiving stones for more than 5 years, occasionally get hit by a ball, better me than one of my cats. Twice a car touched a kitten and kids informed me it is dead, but luckily the little one survived, like yesterday, received an eye injury but otherwise appears to be okay. I was pleased to hear children enquiring whether the kitten died and them praising Allah when I told them no. Thank heaven not all are without empathy. - A taxi driver said he had a young female passenger in his car, directing him to various streets and when the meter read 12 Dinar, declared she can't pay. The driver replied he'll take her to the police. So she advised him in that case she'll claim he touched her thighs. The poor driver then didn't dare to do anything, even though that is a lot of money for him. A similar case happened in Germany, only there the taxi driver didn't allow her to be successful with her dirty trick (success convinces people to continue, why should they change if it works?). The reaction from the police was a real surprise for the taxi driver. They informed him that the young woman is already registered for that trick, she uses it frequently. - My special cat guest, Alice, she gave milk to the adopted black kitten, but it also died, like the other 3 siblings. I picked up one of Alice's remaining kittens to check whether it's male or female, so Alice arrived quite cool, grabbed her babe by the neck (cats' style), took it away from me, thus making it quite clear: Her kitten, not mine!!! Pity I couldn't record it on video. Next day the 3-coloured kitten      died, now Alice only has 1 baby left, looking just like mum. Gloria is about to give birth again, nevertheless she still feeds and looks after her other, older kids. So different from Amira, who loved her babies and started to hit her children when she fell pregnant again. Even though we had her operated, she still hits Sandy, Soleigh and Bijou and appears to hate her gentle son (fears he sees her as the attractive female rather than the mother). As a result this family is difficult, Sandy likes nobody, neither human or animal, only me, her brother Tiger likes to sleep puring next to me (quite relaxing). Taking any of them to the vet is a big nerve-racking job and means quite a few scratches for me. I then joke my husband is a prickly person. We can learn from cats that a loving, gentle mother is likely to have kids just like her, while beating and yelling makes children aggressive, impulsive and vindictive. I saw on TV demonstrating folks in USA holding a sign saying: Only monsters put children in cages. A message for Trump and his followers. Very sad, that man has no moral, no empathy, as they say in Germany, he can walk over corpes without batting an eyelid. For all I know his parents were not the gentle caring type. Let us make our children see, enjoy and protect the beauty of nature, for a better world.

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