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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Postscript Social Behaviour

A meeting of dictators from various  countries, exchanging their evil ideas, on the flight back the aeroplane crashes. Who gets saved? The world.....
Now that prices have gone up and the Dinar's rate of exchange has gone down (a chance for tourists to enjoy a cheap holiday), imports have become more difficult, in particular effecting pharmacy products. Substitute local products can be a solution, but are not always as effective or can have additional unwanted side effects. On the other hand I discovered a Tunisian herbal product "Plantalgic" that is safer than the usual pain relief pills (usually with Paracetamol) but doesn't sell as well so less was ordered, some even returned to the pharmacy wholeseller, thus now difficult to obtain. For a short period milk disappeared from the shops, this was due to farmers demanding more pay. If milk or other animal products are sold too cheap this leads to even more exploitation of animals, often treated like objects rather than living creatures with feelings. - Like in other countries, if one man has a business idea, others pick it up and try to make money the same way (often within a really short distance) but actually thus insuring that profits remain low for all concerned. Our favourite fruit and vegetables street vendor, an honest gentle man, has given up. One of the others tried his luck in the past as plumber, electrician (without the proper qualification), thief..... we make a special point never to buy from him.  Within a very short distance there are 5 chicken and eggs selling shops, an additional one opened lately. Looks like folks here lack business ideas, I mean new ones, ideally niches. Mathematics and planning are other weak points. Old age pensioners arriving from Eastern Germany (ex DDR) must feel a kind of "Deja Vue".

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