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Sunday 16 June 2019

More about my Little Darlings

When cats decided to live with human beings they discovered that language is useful for communication. Of course their language differs from ours, but they have a choice of sounds for various situations. While everybody talks about cats' miau/meow they really only use this when they require help.  Our vet noticed that one of our cats voice changed when she addressed us. My approx. 6 weeks old lovely little Leila appeared to suffer from constipation, so I massaged her little tummy. When she made a special sound at first I didn't understand why, well she tried to tell me she needs the toilet . The next time when I had her on my lab and heard the same sound I quickly brought her to the sand filled box, her toilet and she did "her job" immediately, so amazing. Honey and Bella, when they see me outside they call me, it almost sounds like "don't leave me".  They come running, always great to see so much love and affection from my little treasures. I couldn't take Bella in-doors as she didn't get along with my other cats but I had her operated at least to save her from one pregnancy after the other. Honey is the only one of my beautiful darlings who spends part of the day outside. Whenever I call her, even though I don't see her, she usually appears, some times out of "nowhere". Always happy to note she is fine. When I say: " Honey come home" she follows me to the house, not always willing to enter straight away, prefers to have several invitations that have to come from me rather than from my husband. Well, she is my girl! Cats are a great gift from heaven. Couldn't image life without them. Even though I had all our cats operated (family planning), we continue to have baby kittens and yes, I tried to inform folks around here that we no longer have the capacity to accept more cats. Nevertheless little ones keep appearing in front of my entrance door. Often brought by kids who mean well and want to save their life. Experience shows those that are separated from their mothers less than 6 weeks old are most likely to die in spite of all efforts. One exception were lovely gentle Eileen and Allan whom I fed with milk that I bought at the vet's, sold as milk powder for baby cats. This was rather expensive and is no longer on the market here.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Postscript Don't worry could be worse

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you" Friedrich Nietzsche
It is kind of a new fashion that governments all over the world don't want criticism, while Trump calls such "fake news" the  previous  Kazakhstan government declared: "everybody in the country is happy and rich". - Prices will most likely rise yet again after Ramadan and the Laid celebration. Not surprisingly many are unhappy and complain, not enough jobs until the tourist trade really picks up again. Luckily the rate of exchange enables tourists to enjoy a holiday at low costs. So there is
hope. I noticed we haven't got many coloured folks in Sousse, in spite of lots of sunshine, after all darker skin is a natural protection by nature (is the opposite of coloured colourless people?). There is a British saying: Beauty is only skin deep. Anyhow, we haven't  just got many gorgeous cats but also beautiful kids and adults, but unfortunately not all possess matching manners, good education or morale, at least in the quarter of town where I live. Why one shouldn't neglect children can he studied here, so sad to see pre-school kids roam the streets, at an age that influences their later development. While they test how far they can go, their limits, several local parents appear to believe if you excuse everything with "they are children" then this makes them good parents. One rarely hears around here parents e.g. telling their kids not to scream so loud, show respect, don't drop their litter just anywhere, etc. Since some adults do just that one cannot expect kids to know better. Taxis shouldn't transport cats and dogs I am told. If this applies to animals without a transport box then this makes sense to me. In Germany I used to frequently travel in an expensive new Mercedes taxi accompanied by a lovely cat in a transport box. No hygiene nor security problem as these boxes are specially designed to be safe and remain clean. As far as the transportation of other goods, e.g. bricks, cement, large items, are concerned there remains much to be desired. In Germany I once spent a day with authorities who check whether goods on lorries are secured according to regulations in order to avoid unnecessary severe accidents. They stopped lorries and several drivers were prevented to carry on without additional measures to secure the load properly. If this wasn't possible on the spot, they had to phone their company to deal with the problem. No exception made. Like in Europe it is forbidden to phone while driving, but nevertheless it is quite common here, even on a motorbike or by mini bus (luage) drivers. The new four-lane road from Sousse to Kairouan is almost completed. The middle strip (concrete and soil) deviding the two directions should prevent quite a few accidents as those who believe "time is money" unfortunately often practise dangerous overtaking. A big problem remain those drivers who believe they can phone or use the internet while driving, even a minibus, apparently not aware of their responsibility towards their passengers. We prefer not to experience their "multi tasking" attempts and got off after a short trip, three times lately. By the way, the bus is much safer to use and several are modern and even cheaper. Strange none of the other passengers said anything, frightened an angry driver will be even more dangerous? Or just the result of a long dictatorship that many learnt to keep quiet and accept whatever happens.