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Sunday 16 June 2019

More about my Little Darlings

When cats decided to live with human beings they discovered that language is useful for communication. Of course their language differs from ours, but they have a choice of sounds for various situations. While everybody talks about cats' miau/meow they really only use this when they require help.  Our vet noticed that one of our cats voice changed when she addressed us. My approx. 6 weeks old lovely little Leila appeared to suffer from constipation, so I massaged her little tummy. When she made a special sound at first I didn't understand why, well she tried to tell me she needs the toilet . The next time when I had her on my lab and heard the same sound I quickly brought her to the sand filled box, her toilet and she did "her job" immediately, so amazing. Honey and Bella, when they see me outside they call me, it almost sounds like "don't leave me".  They come running, always great to see so much love and affection from my little treasures. I couldn't take Bella in-doors as she didn't get along with my other cats but I had her operated at least to save her from one pregnancy after the other. Honey is the only one of my beautiful darlings who spends part of the day outside. Whenever I call her, even though I don't see her, she usually appears, some times out of "nowhere". Always happy to note she is fine. When I say: " Honey come home" she follows me to the house, not always willing to enter straight away, prefers to have several invitations that have to come from me rather than from my husband. Well, she is my girl! Cats are a great gift from heaven. Couldn't image life without them. Even though I had all our cats operated (family planning), we continue to have baby kittens and yes, I tried to inform folks around here that we no longer have the capacity to accept more cats. Nevertheless little ones keep appearing in front of my entrance door. Often brought by kids who mean well and want to save their life. Experience shows those that are separated from their mothers less than 6 weeks old are most likely to die in spite of all efforts. One exception were lovely gentle Eileen and Allan whom I fed with milk that I bought at the vet's, sold as milk powder for baby cats. This was rather expensive and is no longer on the market here.

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