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Sunday 5 January 2020

Habibty Honey - Obituary

"Love the animals. God has given them the rudiments of thoughts and joy untroubled. Don't trouble it, don't harass them, don't reprieve them of their happiness, don't work against God's intent. Dostoyevsky The brothers Karamazov"

Yesterday I lost a great treasure that can't be
bought with all the gold and diamonds in the world. A very very sad start into the new year! Gorgeous and very intelligent Honey proofed that beauty, intelligence and a good gentle character can be found in one, previously so-called stray cat. When I first saw her I admired her lovely well kept fur, only her tail was missing for unknown reasons, leaving her with a slightly bleeding wound. After a while I noticed there scab and tiny stones that temporarily closed the wound, then Honey started to bleed again. So I decided to take her to the veterinarian clinic, if she lets me. I picked her up. No protest. All went well. Honey was born approx. in January 2015, already grown up when I took her in doors, some months later. In 2017 we had her operated (family planning, as we do with all our fury family members). Honey made us understand that while she is happy to live with us, she still wants to spend some hours every day out on the street. She used to observe the traffic, waited for cars to pass before crossing the road. Nevertheless I was always relieved whenever she returned unharmed. On some days she appeared to be quite tired.  Like other cats Honey liked to sit underneath parked cars, about which I wasn't happy as disturbed kids from the neighbourhood think it's funny to throw stones at cats or lead their dogs to chase them there. I explained many a times that whatever they do to the cats here (or the dogs) for me it is as they do it to me! The children around here know now that my husband and I won't tolerate animal abuse. Whenever I called my little darling, she would come, sometimes it seemed to be out of nowhere. This didn't mean my treasure would walk straight indoors, usually she first played a bit hide and seek with me, but always giving me a chance to catch her. She was unbelievable, my number one and so was I for her, would only take instructions from me, not my husband. Had to take her twice to the dentist, two tooth removed, no problem, cats recover from this quicker than we do. Her favourite food, like for many other cats: fish. Several fish mongers have given her fish for free when she asked for such a donation. (From time to time I buy fresh Sardines for my big fury family.) Whenever Honey was outside seeing me leaving the house she would accompany me for part of the way or just shout behind me, sounded like complaining "Don't leave me". On some days sweet Honey would sit in front of our entrance door waiting for us to return. Or if I was indoors and she wanted to join me, my little darling would walk around the house and call me from underneath my window. This will never again happen. My gorgeous one got hit by a car at just a few meters distance from our house, while we were out. Had I been there I could have only prevented her deadly accident if I had seen the car coming, this doesn't comfort me. Many, far too many cats get run over by a car, some of those that survived are now living with us, unfortunately my amazing little treasure was less lucky. I want to call her she can't answer me anymore. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to enjoy her company for a while, still never more is hard to accept.

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