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Saturday 27 March 2021

PostScript They are Family

"If you kill a cat you must build a Mosque so that Allah forgives you." Saying from Turkey
A cat killed a snake that threatened the life of Prophet Mohammed therefore some people consider cats as holy. Approx. 125.000 cats live in Istanbul and they are allowed to enter every building, restaurants, cafes, mosques, churches, etc. no problem, they are tolerated everywhere. Cats get spayed and neutered by the state to keep their numbers down and shelters for homeless cats are financed. In ancient Egypt killing a cat was punished with capital punishment. Why is it so different here and also in Egypt nowadays? In Europe millions of cats and dogs live in families and are seen as family members. Strange, countries interested in tourists from Europe do they believe that these don't mind seeing or hearing of "family members" being murdered in the streets? Experts have proven a positive influence of pets on children's development. It can teach them empathy, responsibility, understanding the value of animals as fellow creatures. But unfortunately not all who keep in particular a dog have the right attitude. I have seen kids and teenagers thinking it funny to make an innocent dog aggressive. Often puppies are taken away from the bitch and sold at a much too early age. In addition the food is not always suitable, like noodles (also fed to cats, for which in particular salt and other spices are bad). Kids can play with pets but should be made aware that they are not toys and in particular should not be thrown away like no longer wanted toys. An elderly woman from the neighbourhood decided that she's too old to look after her cat and suggested that I adopt it. It turned out that she lives with her son who's got a job. Strange, she said she loves her cat. I would never part from a cat I love if I can somehow help it. Why can't her son fed the cat in the morning and evening and that woman enjoys the cat's company during the day? In Europe it has been proven that folks in old people's homes who are allowed to keep a pet stay mentally and physically longer fit and are more relaxed. Anyhow, we are already living with 25 cats, they don't welcome additions, (definitely none that hasn't been spayed and neutered, like the one in question) they sometimes fight already. I have reached my limit reference my expenditures (food, medication and medical treatments) and energy (involved work) and for all I know we aren't getting younger. In the morning approx. 15 cats want to join me in the kitchen, try to hurry me up preparing their breakfast and once they have had theirs ( as well as the visitors to my "Cats' Table), watch me have mine with at least three on my lab. Heard of songs that help you fall asleep? Mine is very special. Gorgeous little lady Sandy likes to crawl next to me under my blanket and purrs until I fall asleep. This is my luxery.

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