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Sunday 27 June 2021

Don't Worry, maybe joking helps

 You can't be funny by yourself. Funny is only what others know about you. Chris Rock

An Israeli arrives in Paradise. He discovers that there are many Palestinians in a huge dinning room, enjoying a big buffet with the most delicious food and fruits, etc, while in another dinning room for Israeli there is only a choice of two dishes served. So he complains. Why aren't we treated equally? The Angel replies: You are so few, a big buffet wouldn't be appropriate, besides, equality? Don't you come from an Apartheid state?

Dictators from various countries in an aeroplane. The aeroplane crashes. Who survives? The world.

A North African asks his Iman: I don't understand why so many Christians have more money than me. Iman: I know you, you are lazy and unreliable. The guy thanks and goes home. There he prays: Allah please make me diligent and reliable, but not straight away.

Teacher: Ali, how much is 2+3? Ali: 7 Teacher: No, how much is it? Ali: 9. Teacher: No, wrong again. Ali: Teacher you are always criticising me. I hate school!

An Iman and a mini bus driver arrive at the same time at Paradise gate. The Iman is asked to wait while the mini bus driver is allowed in. Complains the Iman: What does that mean, don't you know who I am? Reply: Sorry but, when you were preaching many didn't listen, while when he was driving everybody prayed!

An Angel visits a good citizen and says: I am going to show you heaven and hell, you can choose where you want to go after death. In heaven he finds people with excellent manners, singing and praising. In hell there is a big party going on, much laughter. So he decides it must be more fun to be in hell. The Angel advises him to choose carefully and he can still change his mind before he passes away. Well, he doesn't. Arriving in hell he discovers a totally different situation, it is horrible and a real hell. He complains to the head devil: What is going on here, I don't understand and would have never chosen this place had I known! Replies the head devil: Sorry mate, the first time you arrived you were a visitor, now you are an immigrant!

Meeting of an Iman, a Bishop and a Rabbi. Says the Bishop: Wouldn't it be nice if we could all together enjoy a beer and a nice piece of pork. When will this be possible? Replies the Iman: At the wedding of your son, Bishop.

In a train an Algerian, a Moroccan and a Tunisian travelling together, with them they have a sword as a present for someone. A fly molested the Algerian, he tries in vain to chase it away. So he takes out the sword and with one movement cuts it in half. A little while later another fly arrives, this time molests the Moroccan. He takes the sword and quickly cuts the fly in four parts. The next fly decides to molest the Tunisian. He tries very hard to chase it away, it keeps returning. Getting funny looks from the other guys, he finally feels forced to act. He takes the sword, one swift movement and...... the fly flies away. Well, says the Tunisian. that fly will never have any children!

A group of men meeting, all of them what you might call good-for-nothing, some burglars, other thieves of life stock like e.g. sheep, some drug dealers. Says one: Our work used to be much easier when Moslems didn't like dogs, thought they are dirty. Now dogs are kept in houses, on roofs, it is difficult enough with Corona more folks in the house. Yes, says another, even on airports sniffing drugs. And dogs are out on the fields, barking when we arrive and trying to chase us away, interrupted another. So we all agree, remarked another, dogs are bad for our business. A young guy declared that he may have the solution: let us find out whether there is rabies anywhere in the country and then call it a big problem. Luckily some folks in power also don't like dogs and they will be happy to act. Who needs dogs!!!

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