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Friday 27 August 2021

Post Sript My Domesticated Royal Family and other Animals

"We must learn to live together or perish together as fools." Martin Luther King.                                                                  Good news, sweet Mary (one eye blind) returned this evening, this made my day, she looks fine, but not in a good mood at first, enjoyed her food though. I have known for a while that dogs eat some of the food that I put outside for homeless cats. The croquettes are especially created for cats (their requirements differ from those of dogs, Taurine dogs don't need but is very important for cats e.g.) and can cause diarrhea in dogs. There is so called Salami on the market either just for cats or dogs or for both. Not sure about the quality, vets don't recommend them and prices are going up, for example Carrefour raised it by 17% for the sausage for cats. Carrefour suffered attacks, severe damage and looting on several shops, I may add for their defence. They employ many polite, helpful, not well paid members of staff, some worked in hotels in the past and speak a bit of French, English and even German. Generally speaking prices are going up, in view of many having less money to spend not a good idea. The president asked to reduce prices if possible, in particular for medication, fruit and vegetables and Banks to lower their interest rate to help the country. It would also be helpful in my view if folks here would stop watering the streets (nothing will grow there) since we hardly had any rain for quite a while. Cleaning with less water is possible! While people all over the world talk about climate change, how to reduce harmful substances, exhaust gases, etc. Tunisian people continue to let their car engines ran idle (do they love the sound and smell?), not to forget those black clouds from tuned up loud motorbikes. Those days when guys were proud to possess a bike are gone, occasionally one can see a kid ride a bike (without light) but also a motorbike! We could do with less heat, my fur family lies out flat on the floor and other places. I try to provide them with the service they need so they don't need to complain. It keeps me occupied and on my feet even when I don't feel well. As long as they are alive and reasonable healthy it's worth it.

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