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Thursday 14 October 2021

Diamonds and Stones

 "Our country produces enough to feed us all. Alas, for lack of food organization, we are forced to beg for food aid. It is this aid that instills in our spirit attitude of beggars.            Thomas Sankara 1983.                                                                     When prices are raising it is good to receive lemons, cactus fruit, olives, etc. for free, but unfortunately they are thrown onto our roof and not yet ready for consumption. Please harvest later and don't be shy if you want to thank us for all the toys and sweets we donated to the kids around here, no need to throw secretly. We learned that stones thrown at our house are part of an old local tradition (historic documents already mention inhabitants in North Africa costal  area throwing stones), kids like to spend their time either playing football or throwing stones, they think it's funny. But to be fair, not all are like that. Some ask me to help cats in need. They watch me a lot, so I can't complain about too little attention. Every morning my cats test how many fit into my small kitchen. Once they are all fed, I attend to my visitors to my cats' table. A new arrival is a bitch, German Shepherd with four puppies (she had seven, three died I am told). The female is very gentle and patiently waits whether there is any food left over for her. I am disappointed with my little darlings, they want to steal the doggy food from her, but the bitch remains totally non aggressive, I have to chase some cats away, so she can enjoy her food more or less undisturbed. Her puppies are in the meantime sleeping on a matrass that kind persons provided in an unfinished house. The bitch seems to be known and tolerated around here. This is in line with the demands of the Quran the teachings of Prophet Mohammed, thank heavens for that.

At first I wasn't sure whether I can feed a dog as well, not just financially but also because usually dogs and cats don't get on well together. I guess my feline darlings, my little diamonds, have to get used to the new situation and they sometimes even chase new comers away. (Closed shop?) - A lot of noise, a car parked next to a motorbike, both engines running, men shouting at each other aggressively, close to having a fight, not an unusual sight here, but still, I walk outside and ask them to please not start a war. They look at me with surprise. What do you mean? I repeat my request not to start a war, we had a revolution not long ago, please calm down. Well it worked, following their encounter with that strange woman they departed peacefully. - My doctor advised me it has been recently discovered that 70% of the Tunisian population have too little vitamin D in their body. I remarked it is the result of the way many woman dress, allowing hardly any skin to be exposed to the sun. He replied that is one important aspect but others are effected as well, strong sun doesn't necessarily mean plenty of vitamin D, which bones need. Tourists like to gain a bit of colour on the beach, while face cream on the shelves here try to attract customers with the slogan: Perfect White. Whens  you are required to pay a larger sum, e.g. by a dentist or optician, and are offered installment payments, you will be surprised to learn they actually mean one advance payment and the rest on delivery/ completion of work., rather than the sum being paid over several months.  Hard luck for those who can't manage. - The director of a university in Sousse issued an order that students are not allowed to feed cats on the campus. I wonder what is going on in his head, does he seriously believe this will keep the area clean or is he just one of those ignorants that hate cats and dogs? He should be proud of students showing empathy. Surely students are not too stupid to understand the need to keep the feeding area clean and cats are by nature clean and

 ( unless they are sick) they kill cockroaches, mice, rats, etc.

Amazing, clean cats among a lot of rubbish, so who pollutes the environment?

Samples of fruit donations

A stock of stones in many places

  In the Middle Ages, when cats were killed on a big scale, this led to the spreading of the pesticides, millions died. When Egypt was more advanced, going back in history, killing a cat mend capital punishment. The citizens knew their value to protect cereals. A clean environment without cats? Folks "wash" the streets with a lot of water, they try to protect the roads and pavements against Corona by throwing their face  masks on the ground and " decorate" various areas with plastic and papers. So cats are the problem?

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