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Tuesday 18 January 2022

Many Cats, One Dog and No Boredom

 "Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for." Emanuel Kant.                                      An aeroplane was flying over our house, the first one that our puppy Djego ever heard in his life. He decided to chase it away. You know what? It worked. He barked very loud and the aeroplane disappeared! Unfortunately Djego also tries to chase some of my cats away. Since they were here before him, I can't very well allow him to do this. I want him to make them his friends and protect my little fur angels. Seems to be a long way yet. I am told it can be done with a lot of patience., besides, as my husband put it, we can't put him out, he would only return..... All not easy, bred prices have gone up slighly (50 Millimes), other items much more, with high unemployment not ideal,  many are grumbling, to say the least. Demonstrations in Tunis ended with folks dying, getting injured, arrested, several French journalists beaten by policemen , cars burned, shop windows smashed. Hope it doesn't get much worse. Another revolution can't be the solution. We need solidarity not greed, envy, revange, theft, etc we have too much of that and poverty. A poor boy from the neighborhood, not equipped for cold days, surprised us after we bought him a jacket and a pair of shoes. He declared that he wants to save this to wear at invitations to celebrations. Poor boy, in the meantime freeze? I got him some more warm clothes and hope he will be okay now. Waiting for warmer days, our cats are sneezing, they love the sun. Sandy and her brother Tiger are eight years old now and fairly fit, at an age when most feline in Tunisia are passing away. Guess it helped my little angels that they were brought up mainly with mineral water to drink, which  unfortunately doesn't apply to our other cats. Looking at Allan, our Siames tomcat, saved not long ago from the street, he looks a real old boy, yet also only eight years old. In Europe it is not rare that cats live up to 20 years or more. Water from a natural source is sold in plastic small containers, fairly cheap. We will use this  now for our big fur family and hope it is better for their kidneys  than the tapped water here.  In Sousse the household waste (at least in the area where we live) gets lately only every second day collected. If anyone asks you for his coffee - he means should receive a bonus from you for doing his job. Occasionally rubbish collectors try this, their income isn't bad for Tunisia, but of course their job isn't pleasant. The water gets cut off at around 18.00 hrs in order to protect the pipes as they are not insulated, turned on again at 5 or 6 a. m. From time to time some articles, food, medcine and others nonessential ones are not available. Usually not a great problem, but it of course depends on your income and where you live. With Corona and all the involved restrictions less Tunisians can send money home from other countries, it effects of course the economy. With less money around the animals suffer too, less food for strays, more kicked out, folks wondering whether we

shouldn't provide for the poor and forget the cats and dogs. Well, it turned out that those who love animals are more likely to help poor people as well, if they can. When I suggest to ask folks for aid who drive big expensive cars, I am told that this request would be in vain. 

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