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Tuesday 22 March 2022

Postscript Don't take Anything for Granted

 "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting these decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell                                                                                                                                      Cold, windy weather with lots of rain, many cats have got a cold, running noses, sneezing, etc. difficult time for homeless pets. At present lots of sunshine in Germany and warmer than in Tunisia. Heavy knocking on my door, Djego barking like mad, sounds like something grave happened, an accident perhaps? No, just 4 preschool children desperate for sweets! Sorry but they have to go without, it is quite enough having them demanding sweets whenever they see me outside. It is less easy to live with our traumatized puppy (meanwhile approx. 9 months old) than I expected. Seems he is a watch dog, but unfortunately still very nervous and gets his panic attacks. Some cats ignore him, want to drink his water, eate his food, use his house against his will, others want to fight with him, 2 want to cuddle. Lately Djego prefers being ouside in the rain rather than taking shelter in his wooden dog house. A lovely gentle bitch that used to come for breakfast every morning, patiently waiting for me finish serving the feline visitors to my Cats' Table outside and then attending to her, hasn't turned up for 3 days. What happened? Children from ignorant uneducated families were throwing stones at her, without reason, just for sick fun. Now the sweet innocent bitch is frightened and feeling less gentle. Folks, kids and cats around here knew her as totally non aggressive, that idiotic never ending stone throwing is a crime and should be punished as such. Stupid guys here say: "They are children." Do they believe that this is normal behaviour for kids? It most certainly isn't  at all!. Children that abuse animals often end up as criminals in prison, when grown up. Parents must be held responsible for their neglectance.

If children are out on the street all day, allowed to do what ever they want, no one to tell them stop, go no further, how can they one day become good respectable citizens? I feel ashamed of the backward folks. They destroy the soul of Tunisia. "Teach a child not to be cruel to animals and you teach them the basic principles of human beings condition. " Caroline Earle White ( Animal Welfare Pioneer in United States). 

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