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Saturday 18 June 2022

Postscript No Time to get Bored

 "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein.                                                                                  A  man gets woken up by a burglar. "Are you looking for money?" "Of course, what do you think." "If you wait a minute, I'll get up and help you. I have been searching for money in my house for weeks......." New visitor to my Cats' Table, a young lovely cat lady, doesn't want to eat, but me to follow her. It turned out the clever mummy has 4 kittens that she wanted me to feed. From time to time a cat brought her little ones to my place, or carried off a bit of sausage. So this amazing darling decided to bring the "waitress". It is close by and fine with me. Mummy leaves the "salami" for her babies, she prefers croquettes. Often felines don't get old, many die within the first few weeks or months because of a poor immune system, the traffic, injuries inflicted by other animals, stone throwing or other abuse. Crying young girls knocking on my door, saying their kitten is very sick, can't walk, won't eat, a dog attacked her. I went to check, she seemed to be under shock, decided in order to give her a chance it would be better to take her to our vet. She screamed a few times, seemed to have cramps, her temperature was too low, in spite of red light treatmend and warm water bottle, the poor little treasure died, went over the rainbow.        

At least it happened peacefully, leaving 4 young girls crying. She was obviously a loved family member. Very sad, but such folks give me hope. It is good to see that guys in the neighborhood understand that I will help if I can, though my husband fears we may be overwhelmed. Many can't afford to see a vet, in several cases, in particular the very common "sealed eyes or noses", I know what is required, treat also guests attending my table (if they let me) , learned from vets. This is my life now, main occupation and expenditure are cats. Last night I dreamed we gave asylum to an elderly donkey. Nice thought, a forever home for elderly and handicapped, helpless animals. Unfortunately I can't afford to buy a farm or some other suitable place and meet all the other involved costs. In order to protect our house against local hooligans we had to exchange lovely flourishing plants (in front of our house, behind a barrier) against cactus plants. This was some time ago. A small, difficult to access area seemed to in particular attract ignorant heartless persons to throw feline babies between high cactus plants. So we sealed off the top with chicken wire. It worked for quite some time, yet today I heard a crying kitten from there. How can it be? Late at night a good-for nothing opened a corner and dropped the poor helpless little cat. If you wonder why, it is their sick sense of humor, some kids laugh when one of their comrades falls and injures himself. I am afraid we have many neglected disturbed kids in our neighborhood. Much needs to be done. Kindergartens, free of charge for children from poor families would be ideal, but where would the funds come from? Tunisia needs money, IMF demands cutting of state expenditures, freezing wages, reducing subsidiary paymants, which would especially effect bred prices. IMF, sitting in an ivory tower, have their standard demands, ignoring the special situation of the country in question. Higher bred prices means starving for those with low or no income. In North Africa it is very dangerous, when it was tried in Algeria, years ago, demonstrations ended bloody, many died. The biggest union declared they want higher wages and lower prices and called for a strike to demonstrate their power. The usual procedure. No easy solution. Hopefully enough folks  don't have a blinkered attitude, understand the problems, appreciate the importance of this beautiful country and are willing to fight against corruption, fraud, crime and greed, practice solidarity, try to protect nature and animals. 

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