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Thursday 24 November 2022

Postscript My Beautiful Wild Family and Lovely Visitors

 "A sheep does not pay condolence visit to a dead lion." "You can't convince a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana." Ubuntu African Proverbs.           My sweet Black Diamond was more sick than I realized, he suffered from the Calcivirus that practically destroys teeth, gum and more. Unfortunately  at present a real threat here for ferals and vets can't always save their life. All efforts were in vain, my little treasure passed yesterday over the rainbow. His immune system was too weak. He was 4 months old, too small for his age,

1 of those 15 kittens placed by various people in front of my door. When he was no longer able to eat and had difficulties to drink, I took him every day to the vet for injection, cleaning his mouth and prevention to dry out. I fed him milk with a bit of honey and chicken broth. In addition sprayed mineral water into his mouth. On some days my Black Diamond even managed to purr a bit. Holding him in my arms I fell sleep and so did he, a nice feeling. Folks who for unknown reasons hate cats, don't know what they are missing. Life is difficult in more than one way for all those poor cat babies that are torn away from their mother's loving paws. I shall never understand the ignorants' urge to separate  them. In view of so many children here you would think humans understand that babies need their mother, isn't it logic that this rule als applies to animals? By the way, scientists say children who grow up with a cat or dog as a pet do better at school, become more intelligent, learn responsibility and concentration. Sounds like a good therapy for the kids in the neighborhood, they seem to be always running, yelling, unable to concentrate, not at all relaxed and happy. Revenge for whatever is on their mind. Of those above mentioned 15 kittens damped in front of my house 5 suddenly died and 2 others that were damped at the door of a neighbor suddenly disappeared, they must be assumed dead, even though they were feed and apparently enjoying the provision of food. By the way, the croquettes that I leave outside for feral visitors are still getting stolen by neighborhood kids, presumably from poor families with pets. The plastic bowl disappears and returns after a while for refilling. Though I haven't got much money and have to spend a lot on those 20 kg sacks of croquettes, I think it's better if these families keep their pets and help themselves to my cat food than throw out their pets. Some of those regular visitors to my "Cats' Table I am pretty sure are anyway living in houses and are let out to have their breakfast provided by me. Every morning there are so many little treasures waiting for me indoors and outside. Can't disappoint all those trusting beautiful eyes. A good motivation to get up early, even when I sometimes feel more like staying in bed, my bones aching, but it's better for my health to get up and move, yes, it is rewarding to have cats. Their life though isn't easy though, too many on the street, not enough getting spayed and neutered. Today during a 15 minutes walk I viewed 3 dead kittens on the road. Much needs to be done, much help and education is needed. 

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