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Saturday 31 December 2022

Postscript Pets, Winter Season and other Events

 "When a herdsman dies, his son inherits his cows, but whens a professor dies, his certificates become waste." "The tree that bears good fruits receives more stones and trouble." Ubuntu African Proverbs.                                                                                            Everything just about seems to become more expensive, even though the old year isn't finished yet. The inflation is high, more cats appear to be put out on the street. Among them presently well fed real beauties that would be expensive breeds in Europe. I would love to feed them all or even offer shelter, but this I cannot manage. Croquettes have become so expensive and in view of the raising number (inside and outside my house) plus a good appetite during the winter season, a 20 kg sack doesn't last long. In addition kids sometimes steal or ask for croquettes to feed their cat. I shall have to change my little treasures' food to include more cooked meals. It is either due to poverty or an act of revenge that 2 plain buckets were recently stolen in which I used to put our rubbish outside for collection. For quite a few kids and youngsters around here instant revenge is normal. One "wrong word" can be enough. In theory playing football every spare minute should allow these kids to become great football players. Unfortunately, though, they frequently lack respect, empathy and self-control. A football trainer of a German well known team said that he would send the best player in the world back home if he doesn't know respect and self-control. Just imagine players on the field wishing to take instant revenge on various occaisons. - Sugar and milk remain rare, now also oil, butter and coffee. Lack of sugar in a country where folks never seem to get enough of it (many products are much too sweet for my taste), came as a surprise. As many suffer from Diabetics, it could be a chance to get accustomed to a lower consumption. Higher meat prices likewise. Since I love animals I stopped eating meat many years ago and don't regard less meat on the table as negative, providing one eats fish from time to time. - Reading advice for expats. " Tunisians like to be punctional and are very reliable." Well yes, if you are well off, life is so much easier. You can live in a bubble. My experience is different, "Roundez-vous Arab" is very common. This means appointments are rarely met and recommendations are not very reliable. Sometimes folks ask me how can I live in Tunisia, a country without animal protection laws (they do exist, little known, but not as strong as one would wish), where cats and dogs are all too often treated like vermin, cats get poisoned and dogs shoot. Well, you can find the good, the bad, the educated, the ignorant, those with excellent manners and the hooligans, animal abusers and those who do their best to help and protect cats, dogs and/or other animals. A woman from the neighborhood informed me that a cat enters her house and pees there. What should she do? I suggested that she closes her door so the cat can't enter. Wondering how many cats fit on my lab, on top of me, if I put my feet up. My little treasures demonstrated that there is enough space for 6 of them providing they are not all heavy weight. They are so beautiful and gentle, great having them. I shall never understand folks who want to hurt or even kill cats and dogs. Pets enrich our life. Citizens leaving Ukraine, forced to become refugees with limited luggage, often take their cat or dog as well, even carry the pet over a long distance if need be. If they make it to Germany these folks receive donated food and pet supply items. I know of 14 Europeans who stopped visiting Tunisia: "a country where cats and dogs get abused or even poisoned or shoot on the road". Strange, some believe here that "tourists' eyes feel insulted" if they view stray cats or dogs. As a matter of fact for those who regard pets as family members, seeing their ordeal is unbearable, many are willing to help and support the poor strays. I have seen a few stray dogs, several obviously had an owner without responsibility, no empathy for their dependent dog. Anyhow, I never felt endangered (unlike some citizens), all were non-aggressive, just looking for a bit of food. Sometimes guys suggest that we stop providing for cats and donate for them/poor folks. My husband replies: "You can work and earn money, cats can't. There are many vacancies on the country side, e. g. harvest, there aren't jobs for everyone in the town." In addition we experienced that not all who appear to need help deserve it. If you try to help strays there won't be anything to regret. 

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