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Sunday 26 February 2023

Postcript Without Pain no Gain

Rescue dog taking a well deserved rest

 "When you are kissed by a thief, don't forget to count your teeth."  "If a beard indicates intelligence, the goat would have been a genius."  "What the monkey sees the monkey does."  Ubuntu African Proverbs.                                  Happy to see more sunshine and nights getting a bit warmer, doesn't feel like freezing anymore early in the morning. In addition the water is no longer turned off to protect the non- isolated piping during low temperatures at night, but it may yet be turned off to flush the drains, in which case one receives milky coloured water for approx. 5- 10 minutes and can only be used  for cleaning purposes or the toilet. - Rescue dogs of several countries (Tunisia, Mexico, European countries, etc.) were successfully employed in Turkey and Syria saving adults and children burried under rubble following the earthquake. Turkey, the best country in the world as far as animal rights are concerned, amazed with their gratitude to 4 - legged heroes. They did not allow rescue dogs to be flown back to their country of origion in the luggage hold, instead Turkish Airlines treated them like 1. class passengers and offered 1. class seats. One must bear in mind that rescue dogs worked until exhaustion, some paid with their life for their incredible engagement. A Tunisian dog, named Husky, only slept after 56 hours of non-stop search and discovered 40 people under the rubble. In America 65 tasks trained dogs are employed to help traumatised and injured soldiers. Hopefully ignorant folks will start to understand that dogs are a present from heavens, not dirty and useless and they must not be abused and killed. Since Turkey is a moslim country there is hope other moslim countries might learn that animals can and should be treated with respect and empathy. - There is still less coffee and rice on offer than demanded, haven't seen sugar in shops for weeks and milk comes and goes quickly. From time to time customers are restricted to 2 bottles/packets only and when not, those who try to have a stock in the house unwittingly ensure that milk is quickly sold out again. Rising prices, high unemployment and inflation isn't easy to cope with but we are still better off than several other countries. At least most poor countries usually have lots of sunshine and that is after all for free. 

A Hero flying 1. class with Turkish Airlines

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