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Thursday 9 March 2023

Postscript Tolerance and Different Cultures

 "Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand." "Those who live in jungles aren't animals. All those who live in the city aren't humans either." Ubuntu African Proverbs While it is considered a typical European attitude to regard pets as family members, I was pleasantly surprised to hear such a statement from a young boy talking about his cat. He showed me her picture, for most Tunisians she would be nothing special, neither Siamese nor Turkish (in Europe called Persian). Great lad!!! Unfortunately she walked out the other day and he couldn't find her. The reason he came to me. To my regret I couldn't help. During our conversation he told me that his neighbor poisones cats outside, she had already killed 2 of his. Unlike what most Tunisians believe, what she does is against the law and of course a sin for Moslims (Haram). Besides, in an area where many very young children play on the road without supervision ( their protection: other kids) , poisoned food can also be eaten by these little ones. I have seen here cats that were given rat poison, they suffer terribly. If found in time they can be saved. In the past I've brought 3 to the vet. The owners were so happy they recovered. I have seen children cry when their pet dies. - Sadly there is presently a discussion whether people of colour and immigrants from other African countries belong to Tunisia. It seems to be a strange conversation for an African country. After all the darker colour is just a protection by nature against skin cancer. When I was very young I was playing a lot ouside, thus got a nice colour, was maybe a bit dirty as well one day, when I was mend to play in front of my parents' house but moved away from there. People who discovered me brought me to the police station and said: "The gypsies left a child behind..." My father was a bit shocked, while I when I heard the story years later, thought it'd funny. So much is just a question of attitude. Anyhow, some folks believe Tunisia belongs to Europe (many there are "not happy" with the manners of the new generation of North Africans), others think to Arabic or generally Islamic states and last but not least we also have of couse Tunisians who say we belong to Africa. Many countries, not just Arabic ones, can learn from Morocco a different than the nowadays usual approach towards immigrants. Those who respect the laws and regulations of the host country are welcomed, allowed to stay, become residents, work and are even entitled to financial support if needed. Since Morocco is not a rich country the EU helps to fiance this. Why not? Sounds like a win-win situation. Looking at history, welcoming folks from other nations has generally been beneficial to the host country. We can learn from each other, the Occident learned from the Orient. Great people are born in every country. 

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