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Saturday 8 April 2023

Postscript Come Rain or Sunshine

 "As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap the joy of love. Pythagoras ( C. 570 - C. 495 BC).     An ugly man does not look in the mirror, he is comfortable with his looks. Ubuntu African Proverb.                                                                                                                                Last night lovely Fleur gave birth to 4 sweet kittens, 1 grey and 3 resembling dark fur beautiful mummy. Fleur is a regular visitor to my Cats' Table and I couldn't miss noticing her pregnancy. I created a temporary shelter for her in good time. Previously she had her baby (only saw 1) between my plants and I also took them then inside. I did not have the money to prevent her falling pregnant again and there are at present another 2 cats in the same situation. Not sure where they sleep, but they visit my Cats' Table every day. I wish that I could do more for these poor innocent little treasures. Those who are poorly fed, lack vitamins, live under difficult circumstances and have a weak immune system, often fall sick and usually die young. Precious Mary (spayed and neutered) likes to  spend most of the day outside, usually next to or near our house (my guard cat) but at night sleeps  indoors. I noted her being in a bad mood and having problems with eating. She didn't allow me to check her teeth. So I had to leave this task to our veterinary. It turned out that her gum was in an extremely bad state and 5 tooth had to be removed. Poor darling, no chance of receiving false teeth..... Cats are amazing, they can cope fairly well with hardly any teeth. Wales, though, don't need a dentist - just as well - they grow a large number of spare teeth, a third row. Humans could do with the same solution, but it would leave dentists bredless. Still, I'd wish their charges would be as low as that of vets. ( I keep postponing my visit.) - Christmas mail from U. K. reached me after 4 months, of my X-mas cards sent to Germany only 1 was delivered, after 2 months. Lots of other mail also disappears, it's worse than ever, but I am pretty sure it's not our postman's fault. SONET (water supply) try to save water by cutting the supply every night now. STEG (electricity and gas) have increased their prices  close to European levels. Heavens know how folks manage to pay in view of general rising costs. Still, electricity bills include also the consumption by street lights, as far as I know. Nowadays scientists and environmental aware citizens regard too much and too bright street as well as other outdoor lights as air pollution. Nighttime glow of artifical light causes big problems for humans, insects, birds and other wildlife, and in general the environment. Artifical light contributes to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it also interrupts human sleep and obscures the night sky. Light pollution is like noise pollution a form of waste energy. It degrates the environmental quality and effects also the daylight air pollution. Unfortunately there appears to be very little awareness here of the aforementioned. The street lights are very bright and we have too many of them. Whenever the one opposite our house is defect, we enjoy a bit of natural darkness, less noise and a good night sleep. - Two days ago Carrefour sold sugar again. A sack full caused a que, one employee filing a kg or a bit more in a plastic bag, weight and labeled by another and then quietly handed to customers, one bag

each as long as the stock lasted. Though there doesn't seem to be a shortage of milk only 2 packets are presently sold per person. Strawberries are fairly cheap, but in my opinion sugar needs to be added for more flavour. Since last year we have a new quality of strawberries, less waste because they are less soft, but this has also reduced the flavour. I guess it's like with the roses, those looking perfect have lost their lovely scent. At long last we had a bit of rain, but require more. In Algeria a Mosque had an unexpected visitor. A cat jumped on an arm of the Imam leading the Ramadan prayers, climbed on his shoulder and decided to kiss him. The beautiful video can be viewed on BBC World Africa, a message sent from heaven. 

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