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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Postcript Even Angels' Life ain't easy

Rosy,  dedicated mum. 

They passed over the rainbow, rest in peace, little darlings

Mummy Fleur
Tarecca, Masud and Justin cuddling with the babies, watched by mummy Rosy. 

"I would rather be among forest animals and the soud of nature, then among city traffic and the noise of man." Native American Culture.   " An ugly man does not look in the mirror he is comfortable with his looks." "A poor man acts richly to impress a woman and a rich man acts poor to test a woman." "Only a thief knows the footprint of a fellow thief on a rock surface." Obuntu Proverbs.                                                                                            The 3 cat mums are really great dedicated mothers, their babies are very demanding. Nevertheless, of Jane's 5 little ones 2 died, of Fleur's 4 babies 1 passed over the rainbow and of Rosy's 1 also. Sudden child death, happens as well to humans but to a larger degree to kittens due to their poor immune system here. In addition if the mother suffered from worms and didn't receive a worm cure, their babbies inherit worms, get diarrhea and are likely to suddenly pass away. By the way, anti worm tablets are okay for pregnant cats, I wasn't aware of this. But they taste horrible, even when crushed and mixed with a bit of sugar, mineral water added and sprayed into the mouth with a syringe. Several spit a lot out again or even vomit. Another problem is sealed eyes (not meaning the natural blindness during the first 10 days of their life), sometimes even pus in the eyes. Fleur and Rosy from time to time give milk not only to their own babies but also their friend's and their kittens now 7 and 6 weeks old, like to cuddle together. Jane's only 3 weeks old are still separated, their mum's decision. Shakira a young cat that doesn't seem to grow, remains dainty and kitten size, though several months old, likes to smuggle herself among Jane's babies, the little family accepts this without protest. Fleur decided that since her friend Rosy and I work as baby sitters, she can go outside for a few hours and take a rest from nursing. The babies seem to be happy with either mum. Every morning and evening before going to bed I check that all my adopted cats and babies are alive and well. Poor little treasures, I shall never understand why they have to suffer so much, they have so much love to give and certainly know gratitude. Some of my adult cats, even male ones, cuddle with the babies and they in return try to get milk of them. They allow them to suck. But there are also 2 or 3 of my older ferals that are not keen on the company of babies. Well, humans too don't always like children. A woman knocked at our door and asked my husband to temporarily provide a home for her 3 or 4 months old beautiful kitten, dark fur with reddish streaks. She said she's a teacher and needs to go to Tunis for a few days and when she returns will pick up the kitten, named Rcaja. She further stated she intends to get her cat vaccinated, spayed and neutered, food and any treatment the little one may need would  represent no problem for her. Since she drove a big car, my husband believed her and also as she left her phone number with him. On account of bad experience, folks using many tricks, I was suspicious, a big car could be borrowed, hired or even stolen, doesn't prove anything. So I was less surprised when that woman didn't turn up. When my husband phoned her, she asked first: "Who are you?" Then promised to come at a later day. Surprise, surprise, she didn't. Rcaja took a few days to integrate, in the beginning (like several before her) advised my big fur family not to mess with her, she may not look it, but she is big and strong (something we got in common.....). 

Sunday 14 May 2023

Even Angels' Life ain't Easy


 "The youth can walk fast, but it is the elder that know the road." "Feeding a snake with honey doesn't mean that the snake would hold back its venomous habits." "Dogs don't actually prefer bones to meat, it is just that no one gives them meat." Ubuntu African Proverbs.    "I think sometimes we need to take a step back and just remember we have no greater right to be here than any other animal." David Attenborough                                   It is the time of year when many feral babies are born. You can see the unfortunate ones in many places outside, as quite a few folks here seem to regard pregnant cats a nuisance and kick them out or steal the babies from their mothers' loving paws and then place them in front of various houses, sometimes but not always, near animal friendly people. Anyhow, I ended up with 3 pregnant cats that were already for a while regular customers to my Cats' Table. Fleur, a lovely dark fur cat with blond streaks, had been looking for an indoor place for a while. I finally offered her a little corridor, where she gave birth to 4 sweet babies of different shades, 1 black/white, 1 grey/white, 2 brown fur, all a bit longer hair. Rosy, a friend of Fleur, simular colouring a shade lighter, sneaked in one day as we when out. When we returned we found her with 4 babies. All sweeties looking different, 1 tri-coloured (rare, always female), 1 yellow, 1 light yellow, 1 black, and amazingly her birth- giving place was spotless, not a drop of blood, quite contrary to Fleur (there was a lot of blood) . The 3rd mother, Jane, I took inside by mistake as she resembles one of my cats and I didn't realize that she was pregnant and unlike my little treasure not sterilized and neuteted. Normally vets here cut off a little corner of the patient's ear to mark them following the operation. As my cats live indoors I don't get this done, otherwise I would have known. Anyhow, Jane even had 5 babies, 1 died after a few days, all have dark fur. She doesn't seem to be an experienced mum, but tries her best. As Fleur's babies started to develope and wanted to explore their surrounding, I took her and her little family upstairs where I have 2 wooden houses for cats. She acccepted this, but once moved them temporarily to a plastic box. My cat mothers taught me that I can only make suggestions but they will have the final decision where they will raise their babies. Rosy decided not to stay upstairs, she took her babies downstairs underneath a tree. In my opinion not enough protected, a little later we agreed that she and her little ones stay in a plastic basket in front of the bedroom. This basket we afterwards moved to the room in front of the bathroom, so they will be less disturbed. Jane choose a cave in a big tree designed for cats. Just now she moved her babies to a big cardboard box on a bench, more light. Fleur, Rosy and Jane visit each other, view the little ones of their colleagues which were born a few days apart. Having spent most of their life outside, knowing their kids are okay and well looked after, Fleur and Rosy want to leave the house for an hour or two to see their friends, pay a visit to a good woman in the neighborhood and then return. I am always a bit nervous when they are outside (traffic, stone throwing children), but I respect their wishes and desire to take a bit of a break from their demanding babies. How I am going to cope with the expenses (spay and neutered, various medications, dental and other vet treatments etc.) I presently don't know, I shall cross that bridge when I come to it. Kitten food has become more expensive, also croquettes and various basic food for human consumption . Just like humans too, older cats are not always well. Changed behaviour, more tired, perhaps hidding, loss of appetite, tearing eyes, coughing, loss of weight, smell from the mouth (possibly teeth or gum problem, with bad luck even worse sickness) are some indications that the little treasures need help. Crying with pain is rare, so I don't always note in good time that my feral family member needs to see a veterinarian. Gorgeous black big boy Khalid had blood cancer. That horrible diagnosis was quite a shock for me. He was only approx. 5 or 6 years old when he passed over the rainbow, so sudden and much too early. I felt so helpless. A woman once left him in a cardboard box in front of my door 2 years ago. There was a note saying: "Please take him, I am too old to cope anymore." Strange, she and others never state the name of the cat/cats. Anyhow, Khaled (I named him after that great Algerian Rai singer) looked well kept, soon accepted his new name and turned out to be a feral gentleman. Not for a second did I regret having adopted him, such a great present from heaven! I loved cuddling with him and miss my lovely boy very much. Suzy, about the same age as Khaled, I discovered in front of my door one day, only a few weeks old. She had lovely brown fur with a reddish shine. Not always in a good mood, she would have preferred to be an "only child." For a while she put on a bit of weight, but then suddenly lost it again. When she started to eat and drink less, I took her to the veterinarian. She had a couple of infusions, seemed to get a bit better, but the blood test result left me with only little hope. Her kidneys didn't work well and she had anemia. Sweet Suzy also passed suddenly over the rainbow, another little

 angel left me. Every cat has her own character, her own life story. Once they become a member of my family they steal a part of my heart and when they are sadly gone for ever, leave me in mourning.  These sweet innocent angels are a present from heaven, but only remain for a rather limited time, much shorter here than in Europe, where it is not so unusual for a cat to reach an age above 20 years of age. 

Thursday 4 May 2023

Postscript Joy and Depression

 "Bad company corrups good manners." "Apprently  when you treat people the way they treat you, they get upset." "A cow that is in a hurry to go to America will return as Corned Beef."  Ubuntu African Proverbs    "Feed an animal and you feed your soul."  Charlie Chaplin                                                                                                                                                The  end of Ramdan (Eid Al-Fitr) celebration this year was a more quiet event in Tunisia, kids in the neighborhood received new clothes and several plastic pistols or guns, good imitations at first sight (not without risk) and this will soon end up in the garbage bin. Parents bought what their kids desired, thus no books instead. We didn't have much spring, when it tends to usually rain, looks like summer quickly follows winter. Still, we are lucky so far, temperatues didn't raise as much as in Spain, Portugal, Algeria and Marocco. - At the cats' RPA shelter in Sousse a few days ago a man arrived with a stick that had nails added. He started to attack cats and even the called police men, this enabled him to excape for the time being. The incident prooves that individuals who abuse/kill animals are dangerous for humans to. Looks like animal shelters here need cameras, high walls (I have seen kids less than 10 years of age climbing a 3 m high wall) and secrity guards, very sad. We also require good animal protection laws plus education of  ignorants, uneducated parents must understand their responsibility for their children. Giving them all liberties, allowing kids to roam the streets, expecting the street to "educate" the kids doesn't work and it leaves children deep down with the feeling that their parents don't care for them. We have a lot of school holidays but unfortunately very few  playgrounds, so they use the streets instead. Books don't seem to be in fashion, but balls of all sizes. Quite a few land on our roof where they can do more damage than on our neighbors' as we and our cats use it as a terrace. Tomcat Jeremy looked confused, I wondered whether he may have been hit by a ball. Times are very difficult but in particular for animals. Some ignorants envy them getting food for free, even though this is usually just pasta, occasionally with a bit of sardines, or some couscous that was left ever, probably spiced with hot and for animals unsuitable harissa. In view of some wicked folks poisoning cats and dogs, if I find food in my bowls outside, dropped by unknown persons, I throw it away. Better be safe than sorry. A woman travelled in a bus with a cat in a transport box, another woman laughed about her, not realizing that she herself is the stupid one. A German saying: "Stupid like bred." I hope she doesn't have children. What values would she teach them? Sad news, 258 million people in the world need food assistance, but there appears to be always enough money for weapons. Our world is not progressing in spite of increasing knowledge in various fields, brave new world. Greed and corruption are very destructive. Several staple food items remain scares, sugar, oil, flour, etc. (milk is available again), approx. 300 imported medicines for humans and animals, all of this is a global problem, effecting various countries. Even in Europe there is a shortage of important medication. Yesterday was world freedom of press day. In 70 % of 180 countries the situation is bad for journalists, they get harrassed, imprisoned, tortured and even killed. Last year 50 % more deaths were recorded. The best countries concerning freedom of the press are (in that order) Norway, Ireland and Denmark, Germany fell from place 16 to 21. Many dream of a better life in Germany and risk their life to get to Europe. Almost every day we hear of  boats accidents, several hundred deaths. The Mediterranean sea has become a grave yard. During the first quarter of the year already 12 000 migrants that arrived in Italy had set sail from Tunisia, compared to 1300 same period last year. Tunisian coast guards prevented 14 000 from setting off in boats during that time, last year, same period only 2900. I spoke with a young man with typical ideas, thinking Germany is a paradise with many possibilities, even for those with little  education and no qualifications. Perhaps marriage with a German girl will help and then he can support his family in Tunisia? Marriage for papers perhaps? I told him no, the new Tunisian generation has a bad reputation in Germany, many believe they maybe terrorists, or trick girls into marriage and then she would have to pay for him for 5 years, while he has no permission to work, unless she informs the (already suspicious) authorities that he misused her and then he will be deported. Such plans no longer work, besides, there aren't many jobs for those without qualifications, they are always the first ones to become unemployed. In addition, wages look good on paper, but taxes are very high, the health insurance is good but very expensive and mandatory, accommodations are extremely expensive, heating and electricity costs are high and so is food. When you hear how much you have to pay for bred, you won't believe your ears. Bad weather, freezing temperatures, icy roads, etc. are no excuse for not turning up for work. The best advise is to check on Internet which jobs are vacant on a bigger scale, see which qualification you can obtain occordingly and learn German. That way you may be able to get quite legally a visa and work permission without risking your life. But be aware, you are expected to work hard and be reliable, accept criticism and different customs and regulations. You won't see kids roaming the streets at night, can't play football in the streets, are expected to avoid noise, in particular after 10 p. m. and between 13.00 and 15.00 hrs. Much of what seems to be quite normal to you (bad habits), that folks more or less tolerate here, is forbidden. If you ignore citizens in Europe are likely to call the police and they will knock at your door. Academic specialists are welcomed and may see immigration as a change to earn more money, but this means Tunisia financed the education for a rich country. "Brain drain" if it happens on a big scale will in the long run have a negative effect on the country of origin.