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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Postcript Even Angels' Life ain't easy

Rosy,  dedicated mum. 

They passed over the rainbow, rest in peace, little darlings

Mummy Fleur
Tarecca, Masud and Justin cuddling with the babies, watched by mummy Rosy. 

"I would rather be among forest animals and the soud of nature, then among city traffic and the noise of man." Native American Culture.   " An ugly man does not look in the mirror he is comfortable with his looks." "A poor man acts richly to impress a woman and a rich man acts poor to test a woman." "Only a thief knows the footprint of a fellow thief on a rock surface." Obuntu Proverbs.                                                                                            The 3 cat mums are really great dedicated mothers, their babies are very demanding. Nevertheless, of Jane's 5 little ones 2 died, of Fleur's 4 babies 1 passed over the rainbow and of Rosy's 1 also. Sudden child death, happens as well to humans but to a larger degree to kittens due to their poor immune system here. In addition if the mother suffered from worms and didn't receive a worm cure, their babbies inherit worms, get diarrhea and are likely to suddenly pass away. By the way, anti worm tablets are okay for pregnant cats, I wasn't aware of this. But they taste horrible, even when crushed and mixed with a bit of sugar, mineral water added and sprayed into the mouth with a syringe. Several spit a lot out again or even vomit. Another problem is sealed eyes (not meaning the natural blindness during the first 10 days of their life), sometimes even pus in the eyes. Fleur and Rosy from time to time give milk not only to their own babies but also their friend's and their kittens now 7 and 6 weeks old, like to cuddle together. Jane's only 3 weeks old are still separated, their mum's decision. Shakira a young cat that doesn't seem to grow, remains dainty and kitten size, though several months old, likes to smuggle herself among Jane's babies, the little family accepts this without protest. Fleur decided that since her friend Rosy and I work as baby sitters, she can go outside for a few hours and take a rest from nursing. The babies seem to be happy with either mum. Every morning and evening before going to bed I check that all my adopted cats and babies are alive and well. Poor little treasures, I shall never understand why they have to suffer so much, they have so much love to give and certainly know gratitude. Some of my adult cats, even male ones, cuddle with the babies and they in return try to get milk of them. They allow them to suck. But there are also 2 or 3 of my older ferals that are not keen on the company of babies. Well, humans too don't always like children. A woman knocked at our door and asked my husband to temporarily provide a home for her 3 or 4 months old beautiful kitten, dark fur with reddish streaks. She said she's a teacher and needs to go to Tunis for a few days and when she returns will pick up the kitten, named Rcaja. She further stated she intends to get her cat vaccinated, spayed and neutered, food and any treatment the little one may need would  represent no problem for her. Since she drove a big car, my husband believed her and also as she left her phone number with him. On account of bad experience, folks using many tricks, I was suspicious, a big car could be borrowed, hired or even stolen, doesn't prove anything. So I was less surprised when that woman didn't turn up. When my husband phoned her, she asked first: "Who are you?" Then promised to come at a later day. Surprise, surprise, she didn't. Rcaja took a few days to integrate, in the beginning (like several before her) advised my big fur family not to mess with her, she may not look it, but she is big and strong (something we got in common.....). 

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