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Sunday 20 August 2023

Postscript Not always what you Expect

 "To a wise man a warning is a blessing. To a fool it is an insult."  "A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth." Ubuntu African Proverbs  "When you want to help people you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them want they want to hear." Thomas Sowell                 Had 2 of my beautiful feral boys spayed and neutered, Ali ben Habib and Schmusi. Not a big thing for the males ( therefore much cheaper than for the females) and they are perfectly fine afterwards. Cat babies are very sweet, but it gets out of hand if all females have 4 or 6  babies and this on top of that every year. Pre school kids knock at our door. They say they stopped other kids from hitting cats, but had to fight with those children and got robbed of 4 Dinar. They asked my husband to compensate them. Nice try, kids here have a lot of phantasy and are always happy to earn a bit of money or just sweets. Several hundred years ago Christians held cats in their cathedrals in order to keep out mice and rats. Flaps in the doors allowed cats to walk in and out. The eldest one was discovered in a 14th century cathedral door in Exeter, U. K.  The cats' performance was so much appreciated that even a certain income was fixed, allowing to buy additional food if needed. In Turkey you can find a beautifully decorated bus, looking like a big cat. The fare is tins of Thuna that a cats' shelter receives. If I were a cat, I would find a paradise in Turkey. - While many citizens sweep in front of their doors and wipe their pavements (usually paved according to their taste or what they can and are willing to spend) there are others who are just tenants or live some where else, so either aren't interested in keeping the town clean or think it's normal to drop your rubbish wherever you go. Lately this seemed to be getting worse, so good citizens complained to the town authorities and are promised that women will be employed specially to clean several areas. Also this bad habit of parking on pavements is supposed to be tackled now. There are busy roads where pedestrians just can't use the pavement, too many cars and even the best rules and regulations are useless if no action is taken. For a short while I saw those "parking claws" on vehicle wheels, but they disappeared again. While tourists are usually advised to take just a copy of their passport when they go out, even in Europe, (leave the original in the hotel in a save place) a policeman told tourists from Germany that they must always carry the original. Well, I did when 2 street robbers appeared on a motorbike. They drove up very close to me, ignoring my husband walking behind me and just pulled my handbag of my shoulder, very professionally. I was lucky the strap tore, otherwise they may have pulled me behind their motorbike. Such cases do happen. Anyhow, I was robbed off an expensive smartphone (a gift) with now lost photos, my passport and a few other items. Getting my passport replaced didn't just take a long time, but it was also quite expensive, if I remember correctly approximately 320 Dinar. So for a very long time I stopped carrying handbags and the only gold I wear is my wedding ring.   The shelvings in supermarkets are lately not as well filled as they used to be, among other staple food rice, sugar and flour are missing. Lake of sugar has stopped the production of Coka Cola and Fanta, I am told. But why are there still those sugary water drinks with just a little bit of fruit juice (20% if you are lucky, more likely only 10 % or a bit more) on sale? I remember 100 per cent fruit juice and my favourite, apple juice - haven't seen that for months..... Anyhow, think positve, it can only get better! 

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