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Friday 22 September 2023

Postscript Hot days and Tropical nights

 "Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning." Ivan Welton Fitzwater.  "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." Albert Einstein.  When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. " Jimi Hendrix                                  It is autumn now, yet the heatwave continues and there is still no rain. This doesn't induce some folks to stop wasting water - watering the streets. Do they intend to plant something there? The UN chief said the climate change has opened up the gates to hell. We had a power cut in Tunisia for 4 hours during the night. Accustomed to street lights being switched off at 5.30 a. m. while it's still dark, I woke up through the sudden darkness. Like in other countries the power cut encouraged those with criminal energy to break in shops and houses. Two who injured themselves in the process got caught quickly. We were lucky, I only had a bowl stolen filled with croquettes that I leave outside for poor hungry cats. Surprise, surprise, my note stating that these items are not placed there for stealing, resulted in my bowl (empty) being returned. Some neighbors don't just let their cat out to get a free meal at my Cats' Table, but also help themselves to cost- free croquettes for their dog or cat. Occasionally I am asked if I got any to spare. Well, it is good to know that cats can here too find a family. The other day an elderly overweight man addressed me on the street and told me that I should stop feeding cats, didn't understand why he doesn't like them. I replied that Allah sees all we do and let him judge whether it is right or wrong what I am doing. I cannot understand how cats (and dogs) can be disturbing in a neighborhood where kids and youngsters are out on the street most of the day and late at night and in addition as a rule appear to lack education and good manners. They are very loud and my husband wonders why other roads are quiet. What is the attraction here? As there aren't any benches, stairs and pavements are used as a substitute. Why don't they meet near the Mosque, a more inviting area with trees and benches? Or go to the beech? Folks in other countries dream of such a lovely beech, within walking distance. 

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