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Tuesday 24 October 2023

Postcript A bit of History

 "The idea that we could control the course of our life through rational choices is as absurd as a fish trying to control the ocean in which it swims."  Elif Shafak  "A fool sees another man's downfall as a topic of discussion. But a wise man sees it as a warning to himself." George Bernhard Shaw.  "If you never met the devil along your way, just know you are both heading the same destination."  Ubuntu Proverb.                                          There is much talk about Israelian right to defence itself, does this right not exist for Palestinians? For all I know Israel is the best and most modern equipped army of the world and they sold a lot of  "already successfully tested" weapons.  Nevertheless US /Joe Biden appear to feel they need more. When an elephant is at war with a mouse (somebody famous used this comparison, not sure who) then I have problems supporting the elephant even though I like elephants. Israelian refusal to allow the delivery of fuel, electrity e. g. badly needed by hospitals (in one alone  pre-mature 50 babies will die once the hospital runs out of fuel, needed for generaturs, doctors advised ) may well constitude a war crime. UN stated that at least 100 daily trucks of aid (food, water, medicine, plus fuel) are badly needed, what is presently allowed is "a drop in the ocean."  Aprox. 3000 Palestinian children, including babies, have already died, as well as 29 Palestinian journalists and 19 employees of an UN aid organisation. An orthodox Christian Church has been hit, where refugees were expecting to receive save shelter. 18 died, including 1 baby. An UNRWA school was bombed, leaving 6 dead. The international rules for protection of civilians are pretty much ignored in the most densely populated area in the world. One million people, including children, old, handicapped, sick, pregnant women are told to leave, when there is no safe way to leave and no safe place to go to. The Gaza Strip is quite small, only 41 km long, but can that be an excuse to kill so many civilians? Israel says Hamas hides behind civilians and even in hospitals and they absolutely need to crash Hamas.... those who want to support Israel unconditionally seem to believe that " eliminating Hamas" takes first pirority, over protection of civilians. When Antonio Guterres secretary-general of the United Nations, stated the need to protect civilians and to abide by international humanitarian laws, which are clearly violated, and  that one must also understand that Palestinians suffered 56 years of depressing occupation..... he remained one of the few voices with empathy for both sides. The Israelian minister of foreign affairs condemned this statement (is it a crime to criticize Israel, no matter what they do?),  demanded Guterres resignationand and called Hamas the New Nazis. Is this the latest fashion? I remember Putin telling Russians that they must free the Ukraine of New Nazis. Anyhow, I strongly believe that without that evil Hitler and the horrible holocaust committed by Nazis, Israel would be a different country. Scientists say that what parents and grandparents experienced leaves marks on their grandchildren's brain. This terrible feeling of being defenceless several try to overcome by committing atrocities themselves, (a phenom not unknown in psychology)  in my opinion Palestinians are "the Jews" of the Israelian government, many settlers and other parts of the society. By the way, collective punishment was a Nazi method, they called it "Sippenhaft." They also knew the importance of manipulating public opinion. One could get the impression that not only the whole Jewish population in Israel, but also the Jews living in other countries fully support Netanyahu and his actions. Fortunately this is not the case. "Not in my name" - European Jews condemn Israel's war in Gaza. They don't want to be the human shield of the state. The "Jewish voice for peace" petition calls for an immediate end to Israeli attack on Gaza. They don't believe that "Jewish supremacy" can achieve peace.      A different world is possible. Let us not forget the great Uri Avnery, writer, journalst, politian (member of the Knesset 1965 - 74, 1979 - 1981) founder of the Gush Shalom Peace Movement, veteran of the 1948 Palestine war. Uri Avnery received the Sokolov Award, Right Livelihood Award, Bruno Kreisky Price for Services to Human Rights, he was the founder of the Israeli Council for Israelian-Palestinian Peace. Born in Beckum (Germany) on 10.09.23, this Ray of Light passed away in August 2018. - In America students (e. g. Harvard University) demonstrated for Palestine. One should think in a democracy it is okay, freedom of expression, but their names were blacklisted, meaning they will face in future problems finding jobs equivalent to their academic education. "Brave new world." 

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