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Monday 11 March 2024

Not Always What You Expect

Malcolm X
Discovered in town center

They love to cuddle together

 "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifférent to them that's the essense of inhumanity." "I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig." George Bernhard Shaw.  "It is not just children who are fobbed off with fairy tales."  Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (Nathan der Weise). "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will speak the truth." Oscar Wilde. "The more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it gets the appearance of wisdom." Voltaire.                       It is spring and we enjoy a kind of April weather thus often all 4 seasons in a day. The wind can be rather cold or warm, coming from the dessert. I prefer the warm version. Tomcat Carlo likes to jump on my husband's back (his taxi). Hubby complains about the sharp claws digging in. I advise him he's lucky, had he been born during the Middle Ages in the middle of Europe and folks saw this, they would believe he's a witch and burn him together with the poor cat. Witches appeared to be ideal scapegoats during those dark times but like nowadays history sooner or later brought the truth to the light. Anyhow, the price was high, killing many cats allowed an escalation of rats and the rats' fleas spread pestilence. Unaware of the source and not knowing how to treat this horrendous sickness millions of people died a terrible death. Yes, cats do a bit of pest control, e. g. they hunt and kill cockroaches, but they don't eat them. - Big surprise, butter appeared on sale again. A choice of either 50 g or 200 g, the latter at a price of 6,630 Dinar, and a notice that customers shouldn't take more than 2 packs  (at such a prize easy to accept). Milk and sugar appear from time for a few hours in some supermarkets. Otherwise one can find sugar (too much of it for my taste) in many products or on the black market. Rice is presently available. The price of bananas is more reasonable now, as promised by the government.  Milk and sugar are sold again in Kairouan. When you see a big que in or in front of a supermarket it will be because of those 2 items. - Cats are amazing. Lovely Malcolm X not long ago close to death, is doing fine. He walks, knows his name and comes when I call him. My blind boy Lulu has lost a bit of weight, being disadvantaged at feeding time, I must ensure he gets his share of food. Unlike blind humans Lulu doesn't require a walking stick or aid dog. In the beginning I worried that my house may not be suitable for him, too many obstacles. But nobody was willing to adopt a blind cat. Well, Lulu conquered my heart and I wouldn't dream of giving him away! No chance! Near my door I discovered this morning 2 large pieces of puff pastry filled with big chunks of chocolate. I guess an adult or child left this there for hungry cats, meaning well. But neither all medicine designed for humans nor all food is suitable for animals, but can be rather dangerous. Unfortunately consuming chocolate is even deadly for cats and dogs. I am glad I found the pastry in time and thus managed to put it in the bin. Cats wouldn't have necessarily touched it here, in particular as I offer them croquettes instead, but a little later a white puddle appeared looking for something to eat. I got him a larger piece of sausage. One of the cats I fed a few minutes earlier, tried to steal it of him. I managed to prevent it, " telling her not to be so greedy". -  Kids asked me whether I do Ramadan. I take it as a compliment that I look young and healthy as the elderly and sick are excempt from fastenings. Anyhow, Ramadan has started, this holly month is a very sad time this year. Of 1200 mosques in Gaza, many historic, only 200 are not damaged or destroyed. I hope and pray for an end to the fighting.  My prayer:  Oh Lord have mercy, silence the weapons of war, let there be food, clean water, medicine and shelters. Enlighten those in power. Punish those who commit war crimes. 

Mother Madona and daughter Lady Gaga

We need a lot of empathy and love to heal the wounds and traumatised children. - 


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