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Saturday 8 June 2024

Overwhelmed, Have Mercy


 "Behavior is a mirror in which one displays one's own image." "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love." "What a man does not understand, he does not possess." Knowing is not enough, you must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. " "Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action." Wolfgang von Goethe. " Every day people straighten up the hair, why not the heart? "  Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel."  A country that does not know how to read and write is easy to  deceive. "  Ernesto Che Guevara.                                                                                                   The other day I was shocked to discover once more innocent, poor, very young kittens abandoned in front of my door. But this isn't yet the end of it, seems to be a constant stream. Heaven help us, have folks around here "lost their marble", as the British say? How are the little ones supposed to survive without their mother and in addition so close to a road? After all they are placed on a pavement, no garden or unoccupied site, only advantage more or less animal friendly persons next doors'. We even have from time to time for unknown reasons, a lorry parked in front of our house. If kittens get underneath these big wheels, they'll be killed and flattened without the driver noticing. One neighbor found out who brought 6 kittens, advised the family that it's cruel and Haram to take the kittens away from their mother and leave them helpless while they need their mummy's milk. The son took 6 feral babies back to their mother and hopefully ended the little family's stress, at least for a while. 2 Kittens remained in front of my house, another 6 near by, then another 4 abandoned arrived. I viewed 2 kittens with eye problems, one lovely white one with an already blind eye  and the other eye also in a pretty bad state. I cleaned their eyes with Physiol on a cotton wool pad. Not sure it's not already too late to save their eyes. It is so important to quickly clean eyes that have pus inside, or eyes that are "sealed". Those ferals suffering from a cold also end up with sealed noses. They then stop eating as nature prevents them from eating something they can't smell. The treatment is quite cheap, so no excuses. Hard-hearted folks are sadly able to treat animals as aforementioned, ignore their crying. It used to be even worse, though, and doubtlessly still is in other areas, cardboard boxes, or plastic bags filled with cat babies, treated like trash, thrown into garbage containers. I wish that life will treat such evil folks the way they treat animals. By the way, the other day a man from the neighborhood, who kicked out one big dog and poisoned another big one, so I am told, said to me: "Give me 3 Dinars." (In the past he used to demand 10 or 20 Dinar for various reasons, making up stories). He was lucky I was feeling sick, so I just ignored him. He and his wife taught me that not all poor persons have a good character. If you want to avoid supporting the wrong ones, restrict your help to animals. As Mark Twain put it: "The more I get to know people the more I love my dog." - The German economy needs to employ foreigners, vacances in various fields. They intend to possibly offer posts also to non- EU members if they can speak either German or English and have at least a 2 year's professional experience to proof. It is important to note that contrary to North Africa laws and regulations are more strictly applied, police is less tolerant (e. g. reference traffic violations), and so are citizens, they quickly will call police (e. g. too much avoidable noise, in particular during "silent hours"). Voting for the European Parliament is about to start in Europe. I have heard that EU citizens are rather critical of their politicians. In spite of all that censorship and attempts to manipulate public opinion, folks are generally aware of the double standards of many leaders and candidates. When it comes to Ukraine there seems to be unlimited help, empathy, spending, and hardly any left for Gaza and the Westbank. They turn a blind eye to the plight of innocent citizens, more than 37,000 killed meanwhile, at least 14,000 children, latest figure more 20,000 children and women. WHO warns of Colera about to break out again, about 1 million humans are starving. EU citizens say they can't trust politicians who practice double standarts and will vote for Palestinian friendly candidates. Support for Palestine doesn't mean accepting the gruesome massacre in October. Brutal revenge can never be a solution. The only way out is two states, and it can not be Israel's decicion who should rule Palestine, the senseless suffering must end. Israel rejoyes about the rescue of 4 hostages, "their loved ones". One or even 3 hostages got killed through the operation. Unless I am mistaken, Israelian forces altogether killed more hostages than they managed to free. By the way, 224 Palestians were killed, numerous badly wounded during the last rescue raid, surely these people were also "loved ones". 

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