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Sunday, 15 September 2024

Swords to Ploughshares (Jesaya 2,4)

 "Act the way you would like to be and soon you'll be the way you act." "This world is full of conflicts and things that can not be reconciled. But there are moments when we can..... reconcile and embrace the whole mess, and that is what I mean by " Halleluyah"( song) " Leonard Cohen.  " Grey hair is a sign of age, not wisdom. " " The cheapest way to improve your looks is to wear a smile. " " Law is a cobweb which catches small animals but not big ones. "   " A child who asks questions does not become a fool. " Ubuntu African Proverbs    Leaving a supermarket, we got approached by a middle-aged man, who wanted to show us something scribbled on a piece of paper, plus his bad gum and the gabs in his mouth. Was he asking for toothpaste and a toothbrush? The advantage of removable false teeth to crown sprang to my mind, should one need or want to beg. Anyhow, we already have several cats that require dental treatments. As for myself, the last time I went for a  professional teeth-cleaning, the lady surprised me by doubling her previous charge. Unpleasantly surprised I asked her whether she's serious. Guess some folks would declare they have no intention to buy her clinic but just wanted to pay for the treatment. Our street continues to be very loud, approximately 10 year olds on a motorbike, circling, accelerating, creating infernal sounds, innocent and uneducated kids cheering, not aware of it's adding to the destruction of their future. Soon school will start, but it won't make much difference, the night is not considered to be for sleeping, facilitated by bright street lights. Luckily children rarely snore, so sleeping pupils won't disturb much the teaching effords in the mornings. The special food for cats with kidney problems is rather expensive, but Malek is not impressed, doesn't feel like eating, while our other feral kids find the smell very tempting and if we'd let them, it would be all gone in no time. My poor little darling can't exist just on love (continues to cuddle) and air. It's worrying.  I feel compelled to force some of his prescribed food into his little mouth. As my sweetie loves me, he more or less accepts this and makes no attempt to bite me, but he must be wondering why I treat him so bad lately and in addition give him medicines that he never ordered, poor gentle Habibi. They say Tunisia is a poor country, nevertheless there are fireworks nearly every night (usually bought for wedding celebrations) and the streets are congested with mainly new expensive cars, plus very young kids who have apparently received motorbikes to play with.  Even though we have many registered taxis, there are times when it appears to be impossible to find one that is available. The drivers remove the "Taxi" sign when ending their working hours, often around lunch time. "Mummy" is strict and waiting so they must be punctual. Perhaps my comments are unfair, their shift has simply ended, but why aren't there more taxis now starting the other shift hours? - "Swords to ploughshares", an old demand of German peace organisations (forgotten nowadays???), actually a quote from the Old Testament, shared by Christian, Islamic and Jewish religions. Isn't it strange? The concept is that military weapons and technologies (!!!) are converted for peaceful civilian applications. Seems our modern, civilized society has "better" solutions:

Wedding celebration

more and more weapons for which unlimited amounts of money is available, advanced technologies for killings on a greater scale, international human rights and conventions just a suggestion, violations kind of normal, everything can be justified with a few magic words like terrorist, self-defence.... I read Israel is recruiting asylum seekers from Africa for the Gaza war, in return they are offered residential status. Mercenary Israelian style in view of more more of the country's citizens demanding an end of the war. Whatever you do, never sell your soul. 

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