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Sunday, 25 September 2016

Children in Sousse

The first 4 years in the life of a child are of great importance as these influence its later development.  Now there are children in Sousse (prob. also elsewhere in Tunisia), growing up real wild. They spent all day and half the night out on the street, screaming constantly as if watching a horror movie and running around like lunitics. Their toys are footballs or stones, which they throw at cats, dogs, other children, adults and houses. These kids know no respect, don't care if they cause any damages or injuries and ignore the traffic. The street belongs to them, no matter what. I am told until the age of 13 they are allowed to do whatever they want, no limit. Empathy one learns at a very tender age. I have seen very young kids injuring or even killing cats. Once these children turn 13, will they understand why they are no longer getting away with murder? Screaming seems to be the kind of communication practised in their families. Climbing like monkeys, running like hell, facing up to nothing, the lesson the street taught them, no respect   for anyone! - I have given away maybe 100 toys, lots of sweets for these poor kids.   One day I had no more sweets for a little boy, perhaps 4 years old, so he got angry  with me and told me to get lost! And by the way, some children thanked me nicely, others throw stones at me and my house (Hadia the Souse style, I take it). - Family planning? Not for the poor and uneducated,  there are families here with 10 children or more, out on the street screaming and acting like hooligans. Their parents are not interested, either too young, too lazy or too stupid to understand what they are doing to their children.

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