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Sunday, 16 October 2016

Environment Protection in Tunisia

At least 90 % of the cars are new and expensive. Sounds good for the environment? Well, the traffic is heavy, bikes are rare, instead motorbikes, frequently without registration plates and a few other parts. Children and adults alike love noise in Tunisia. Motorbikes (old and new ones) are tuned to create extreme (and I mean extreme!!!) noise and black stinking clouds (live hard and die young of cancer?). As everybody seems to be screaming (or is it just the Beguines now living in towns and not yet accustomed to having the neighbour right next to him or her) so deafness, one day, shouldn't be a problem.  Letting the engine run while the driver just buys some water or bread, or  when there is only a half hour break for the bus driver, that is standard here.  In Germany they let the engine on to get some heat when it is cold outside, so may be 40 degrees Centigrade is not enough. Wastepaper bins are quite rare. No need for them as you can just drop your wrappings of whatever you eat, or empty bottles, where ever you are. Adults do it, children copy them. You like your pavement and street clean?  That is your problem, what the  heck!  By the way, pavements are designed for parking cars. If you think it's your right to walk on the pavements, you have to climb over quite a few cars!  I won't say the authorities don't do anything for the environment, in Souse, for example, when we didn't get enough rain, we had the water cut off for about three month, every night from 21.00 hours until 6 or 7 a.m. and from time to time the electricity is cut off for a few hours.

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