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Wednesday 2 August 2017

Postscript A different Mentality

The bricklayer who just finished his job, had his motor-bike stolen. He asked us to lend him money for a short period so that he can buy another one. This we did. A little while later we had another smaller job for him and suggested deducting the money from the sum he owed us, thought he would be happy with the offer, but no, he advised us he can't offered to do so,  if he works he needs to be paid for it directly! We finally had our money paid back after one year. Later on we found out that several people prepared to help, never got their money back. So we should consider ourselves lucky! Such experiences are not helpful to create a good society where not everyone asks what his/her profit will be. - Someone from the neighbourhood (don't know the family) wanted to celebrate outside along our house a wedding and requested we remove the heap of sand from our pavement to a place further down the road in front of a ruin. This we had to decline for health reasons. We finally agreed they do this themselves and return the sand onto our pavement once the celebration is over. We should have known better, they couldn't be bothered to return the sand to its previous place and a fair amount got stolen. The place where the sand was placed looked like an invitation to do so. We are blessed with very interesting neighbours, another one attempted to educate me down to his level and even invented regulations that no Tunisian ever heard of, just for me. He strongly believes in double standards. - The power supply company, STEG, send a message on mobile phones, suggesting to reduce the consumption, yet they waste electricity, too many street lamps, making nights as light as days, thus encouraging even very small kids to play football out on the streets until well after midnight. Don't say it's for security reasons, robbery happens also at broad daylight and hooligans don't mind the extra illumination. What is keeping me here? For one thing I don't want to leave those beautiful lovely cats unprotected and in addition  I haven't lost hope yet that it will get better and Tunisia can be great, some need to be pushed in the right direction  and the ignorant require a lot of patience and education. Hopefully folks here will also learn that exhaust gases from cars and motor-bikes are harmful to the environment, at present they seem to enjoy the sound of running engines (like music?) quite unnecessarily while parking for up to 10 minutes or even longer!

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