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Wednesday 9 August 2017

What we can learn from Cats

 Cats are modest, happy with some food, water, shelter, a bit of care, attention. How much do we need to be contend? They are grateful, not premeditated and have respect. When two tomcats have "an argument" (gets a little noisy), they accept me as "mediator" and take a piece of food to calm down. Children asked me: "Do you speak to cats?" Yes, I do and they more or less understand what I'm saying, maybe more the tone of my voice than my words, though several words they obviously do understand. Sometimes cats close their eyes when I speak to them gently, seem to enjoy it; they recognise and appreciate love and affection, their love is honest, their purring relaxes me, my joy and reward. Stroking a cat is a good way to reduce too high blood pressure  (common medical problem here). Cats don't judge other cats or human beings by their looks. Beauty is only skin deep, as the British say and this is also how cats value it, physical beauty is of no importance, if your character is ugly, you are ugly. Cats don't practise racism, since all human beings have common ancestors from Africa, it doesn't make sense anyhow, not just for cats. The cats in Tunisia often have problems with their eyes, watering through too much sun, one or both eyes kind of "sealed", when I treat their eyes, clean their ears and/ or nose, it is unpleasant for them, not always necessarily understood but accepting me doing this proves their tolerance of my "strange ways". Are cats more tolerant than we are? They need a lot of it to live with us. Our hearing is poor in comparison to theirs, these extreme loudspeakers that our so popular at outdoor celebrations must be hell for them. Cats are successful vermin-destroyer. Do we thank them? Back in history folks used to, in some countries it was a crime to kill a cat, kids here frequently have a disturbed relationship concerning cats. I viewed little girls and teens being even frightened, reacting as if they are monsters. Why, what happened? When I pick up one of Jasmina's kittens for a brief treatment, she from time to time makes me understand that even though she's got a big family (6 children), this doesn't mean she is willing to let me have one of them. Great Mummy. Love and education for children, this too some parents can learn from cats. By the way, cats love playing football too, on the ground or thrown in the air - with 4 legs they have different possibilities - and they play without yelling, that's great. Is it because they are happy and contend with so little?

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