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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Postcript Difficult Times

"Tunisians are naturally happy people who like to get together." I found this on the Internet and yes, I remember cheerful folks with an absolute charming smile, really catching. Nowadays elderly persons often walk with their head down, as if they are looking for something they lost, must be their smile, hopes and contend with what they possess. A lot of young Tunisians feel disillusioned, don't trust politicians and see their only chance in Europe. In theory it could be ideal. In Germany e.g. the population is getting too old, the country is running out of young working folks. 70 year olds can not look after 90 year olds (with few exceptions) and the pension scheme is build on the income of young people, when the elderly retire their contributions have long been spent on those who were old age pensioners while the now retiring generation still belonged to the workforce. Nowadays there are schools closing, villages dying because there are too many empty houses, mainly in East Germany. In Tunisia, as in other Arabic countries the vast majority of the population is very young. Could be a solution young  fit folks come to Germany and fill those unoccupied houses with life again. Tunisians tend to quickly learn another language, need to learn another culture with stricter rules and regulations, also for noise avoidance, environment protection, behaviour of children. Can be done as those Tunisians who came many years ago proved, nice theory, it may well be a chance,though, for refugees from Syria and very few other countries. At present Tunisians have a bad reputation in France and Germany, understandable if one thinks of the terrorist attacks there and the frustrated young Tunisians who behaved like hooligans. Approx. 10 percent of all Tunisians live abroad. Unfortunately some of that new generation now, those who know no respect and act out their frustrations, make life difficult for Tunisians well integrated in Europe and who've been sending money home to their families and thus supporting the Tunisian economy often for centuries. These frustrated young men that did not find the paradise they expected to find, can quickly destroy a good reputation and high regard that took long to acquire. So sad, they don't know what they are doing or just don't care. - The unequal distribution of income is obvious. The majority of wealthy Tunisians live in Tunis, the majority of the poor and unemployed in the south. The currently 6 percent under the poverty line receive heavy subsides from the government. The in 1998 founded solidarity bank offered thousands of micro-credit loans to young graduates and small business owners, those who invested in the tourist trade are misfortunes. Many shops have closed down. I remember when tourists were everywhere and it was difficult to get a seat in a cafe or restaurant. At present some wholesalers and retailers are worried as Turkey's president declared a stop of exports to Arabic countries. Erdogan like Trump believes in punishing countries that don't agree with his politics. Products from Turkey are not necessarily of high quality, but they are cheap. You can buy one pair of socks for the whole family, when new the right size for the father, after the first wash fitting the mother and so on, eventually okay for the baby. Imports from Turkey presently amounted to 4,1 percent, cheap clothes, plastic and pottery, watches, various equipments etc. items mainly for folks with little income. There must be an alternative. I wonder why more can't be produced directly in Tunisia. Just imagine one day Turkey wants to supply again and the answer is: no thank you, we don't need you, we buy from our local production. Tunisia requires additional innovations. Those with creative ideas often lack funds, hopefully they will receive more support  in the future. Inventions made Germany rich, not mineral resources, and foreigners from several countries contributed a lot to the striving economy. Those returning to Tunisia  surely bring back a lot of ideas and experience. Are they appreciated or subjected to envy and considered to be strangers now? Hospitals are of a different standard here but for those who can afford it clinics offer a good alternative, they are clean, modern and well equipped. I am now talking from experience . Prior to a bowel endoscopy I was a bit nervous, but with anaesthetic all went well and the niece ladies presented me a piece of cake and a yogurt afterwards. What needs to be improved is the emergency service, it practically doesn't exist at night, so I am told (apart from Tunis). They lack qualified staff who are willing to work night shifts. - The children appear to be on holiday most of the year. In addition they are some times sent home after 1 or 2 hours lessons, because they are too advanced? Skilled and motivated teachers are of great importance for the further development of school students. Pedagogical innovations if known and applied go a long way to improve learning and the kids can even enjoy attending school. If the majority in my class needs private tuition, I would wonder whether I am a bad teacher or are my students particular stupid? Here I am told private coaching is regarded by teachers as a pleasant extra income and those who choose them for this task will receive better results. One mother returning from Germany advised her son never to ague with his teachers, let him think that he is always right, they are like that here. Discussions are not encouraged. A young lady told me one of her female teachers informed her that animals must always be seen as very low creatures, never say he or she, always it, an item, not a "fellow creature". Always support the poor if you can, don't waste your money on animals. I guess she considers this as an highly educated attitude. Scientists see this differently. Those who are cruel to animals are also cruel to human beings. Caring for an animal is good for a child's development. If you never experienced the unselfish love of an animal, you really missed something. Stroking a cat is relaxing and can lower a too high blood pressure. Old people's homes that allow pets discovered a positive effect on the inhabitants. A video on Internet showing the abuse of animals in Egypt resulted in many Egyptians demanding laws for the well being of animals. This gives me hope for a better world.

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