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Wednesday 7 February 2018

Not a Jasmine Garden

Wife speaking to her husband: "I feel depressed, please speak to me with a non-aggressive voice." Husband: "You need to see a neurologist." - The bill from the waterworks (Soned) was extremely high, looked like we didn't pay for 2 years. Checked the meter and discovered they made an error. The man at the counter said come back on Monday, you must speak to the guy in the office. My husband returned as advised only to be informed Soned requires a photo as proof. They obviously mistrust their customers. A lie, though, could easily be uncovered at the next reading, whenever they choose to send someone around. In Germany you can fill out a card with your own recording if you are out when the waterworks' employee arrives, leave the card at your door or mail it. There are also other services here that mistrust their customers, like e.g. Orange (Internet). Non-Tunisian nationalists who live here permanently are refused a contract as "they might decide to leave Tunisia some time in the future." This also applies to those with an unlimited permit to live here. Their only alternative is to get their contract signed by a Tunisian or do without. I guess Tunisians never leave this country, except on a holiday and can therefore be granted a contract. - Talking about trust, leaving food for homeless cats outside, in front of my house entrance door, is regarded by some youngsters as free take-away food for their dogs. They are not fussy, they'll accept a plastic bowl as well as a nice one.- I remember a time (before the revolution) when quite a few were dreaming of possessing a TV set, a bike or even just a fridge, eggs were a treat, not every day food, everywhere half finished buildings, waiting for more money arriving from abroad, Tunisians eager to receive chocolate from Europe "as we haven't got chocolate here". In view of the poor quality of local chocolate at that time this may pass as a kind of white lie. What a difference now, bikes are rare, expensive new cars everywhere and so are construction works (talking about the better-off part of the country). Interesting to watch construction works, so different here, who needs protection like helmets, safety shoes, scaffolding, etc. ? Across the road 2 more storeys are added, a tradesman shovels debris through an opening from the second floor onto the street. Smoke gets into my eyes and nose. A fire anywhere? From my roof I can see an open fire in the almost finished added construction to the old house. A protest because of insufficient pay? May be the workers just decided to have barbeque for lunch or it has something to do with local construction methods, you never know. - We don't live in a little palace with a park or beautiful garden, we haven't got a car (thank heaven for that with all those hooligans in the neighbourhood and quite a bit risky driving, some appear to have more luck than brain), you would not expect envy? Some folks watched we buy a lot of bottled water....... The seller explained he also needs people who pay cash, he finds us as customers very helpful. Unfortunately the water from the tap is very hard (chalky) and it is on medical advice that we don't drink it. It can create stones in your body and even animals suffer, their teeth is often in a poor state for example. I now bought "Vet aquadent" anti-plaque from the vet to reduce cats' teeth problem
s. It may seem a luxury, but if you love animals and see how they suffer here, it becomes a different matter. Tunisia urgently requires water-treatment plants in order to protect people's health. Not everybody can afford bottled water. So much needs yet to be done, I'd wish rich folks would donate money to support Tunisia, after all they would profit as well if they contribute to a better world.

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