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Wednesday 14 March 2018

More about Cats continued

Kitty is a beautiful black, orange and white coloured cat, about 5 months old and a regular visitor to my cats' table, well one day I discovered her indoors, eating out of a big bowl, among my other domestic little tigers as if she  belonged to my indoor fur-family. Since the other cats tolerated her, I decided to welcome the new member. While I concluded that my capacity (space and money) is exhausted, I was in for a surprise, as spring started. One day I discovered a golden-yellow coloured baby cat on a reserve cat's bed in the small corridor between my 2 entrance doors, a cat must have brought the baby cat there without me  noticing. I  tried in vain to find out which cat is the  mother, so I finally  decided to test whether gorgeous Gloria, who lately gave birth to 3 golden-white and 1 black and white kittens would accept the addition, well she did, either because she can't count up to 5 or because she has enough love to provide for 5 kids; it would be just like her, this gentle little darling.
That problem solved, there was another surprise awaiting for me the next day. Underneath my yucca plant I noticed 2 sweet black kittens. As before, no answer to my question, which cat is the mother? There aren't many black cats around here, besides the little ones may be looking just like daddy. I tried to bottle -feed the kittens (one third cow milk and two thirds mineral water). Not easy, they obviously prefer the real thing, a cat mum with  her milk. Next day I found another golden coloured kitten in front of my entrance door, this time in the company of 3 pregnant looking cats, 1 golden-yellow, 2 white with a bit of black and yellow, 2 acting as  if they are the mother. I carefully picked up the baby and put it in a cardboard box waiting how the 3 cats will react. I placed the box in front of my Studio door, so that the main entrance won't be blocked. The golden coloured cat picked up the kitten and returned it to the previous door. Then I found a good solution. I took a plastic basket and converted it into a bed for a new cat family, 1 golden and 2 black coloured baby kittens and a golden coloured mummy (hoping I picked the right mother). It worked, the little ones are happy and so is mummy, happy little family. My husband hasn't noticed yet, guess he'll say I am overdoing it, I can't save all the cats in the world. By the way, before this happened a neighbour told me he viewed a golden-yellow cat with her baby in her mouth coming to my entrance door, presumable waiting for me, after a while she walked away with her baby kitten. Not all stories have a happy end. Eliza's kittens all died, their mum moved them 3 times, not good choices, they had to spend cold nights on cold tiles, in a place where I couldn't reach them. I think the cat didn't have much experience, but did her best to protect her little ones against the hooligans here and other dangers. So sad. A boy, approx. 12 years old, approached my house with a big black dog, I think a mastiff, the dog was on a leash, but it looked as if the dog was walking the boy. Such a dog needs a man not a boy to take him for a walk. I just started to say don't take your dog near my house, when the dog dragged to my entrance door where 2 cats were sitting and within less than a second he snapped one of my fur friends. The cat was fighting for her life, a nightmare to watch. I tried to pull the dog away from my little gentle darling, teens started to kick and beat the dog, which he totally ignored, he just wouldn't let go of my cat. Later adults also tried to stop the dog, all in vain. I asked why isn't the dog muzzled, the boys answered he doesn't like it. The dog finally walked off, still carrying my cat like a prey. The following day kids told me the dog ate my cat (doesn't the family feed him?). I got really worried a similar incident could happen again and attempted to find out the address f the owner or at least get the message to him that such a dog is too dangerous to be outside without a muzzle, he could even attack children. Various persons stated the family doesn't live in the near neighbourhood, we don't know them. The standard excuse, " bad folks come from a different area", nice try to cover up, but unfortunately not very helpful. Later on  I heard a different story.  A worried father spoke with the owner. As it wasn't the first time that this dog showed his aggressiveness, the lady owner decided to have him put to sleep. The dog isn't to blame, people made him like that, either through special breeding or abuse. From time to time I view up to 4 dogs, golden retriever and different types, same size, as well as a smaller one approaching my house, carefully watched by the cats, but thank heaven, they are gentle, I don't need to throw stones, get a stick to frighten them, just say a couple of times "shirr", which means something like go away/ get lost. they halt, look at me and then walk away. -The tiny kitten, approx. 8 days old, that I had found inside my house and added to Gloria's little ones, unfortunately died three days later. Many kittens die very young, but it always makes me sad.

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