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Monday 5 March 2018

More about Cats

    1. Two women talking: It is not easy for her, she had quadruplets, just image 4 babies at the same time. Cat overhearing the conversation, thinking: But that's normal, nothing special, just wonder how many she'll be allowed to keep. - Cats aren't stupid, they know their names, (I gave to them) even those without a home, several know how to open a door, if I e.g. don't want too many in the kitchen while I'm out, I have to lock the door as otherwise one of the little darlings will open the door for all who wish to enter. My 2 black ladies (fur like

      velvet), Lilly and Felicitas, knock on the sitting room door whenever they want to join me there. They are the best of friends, frequently sitting together on my lap, one of my other cats joining. One could think they are from one family, but they are not. By the way, cats generally don't like closed doors. Filou used to sit in front of my bathroom door and complain if I left him outside. He knew how to open my fridge and sometimes helped himself to food that was actually intended for him anyhow. But for opening tins he still needed me. A very sad day when he passed away. Saladin, a Persian cat, suffers a lot from colds, diarrhoea, always hungry (checks all food plats on the floor), but when the cold really hits him, stops eating. The vet explain that cats won't eat what they can't smell. She suggested some rather expensive special diet (Gastro Digestive Support) to stop his chronic diarrhoea.This nutrition turned out to be of great interest to all my little treasures but Saladin and I have to make sure they don't "steal" it of him. The cats here haven't got a good immune system, generally speaking, don't think they possess the so-called 7 lives, their teeth and gum is frequently in a bad state, the poor water quality with lots of scale takes its toll. When it gets really bad they can't eat and if this continues will die. My vet recommended "Vet aquadent, anti-plaque" a bit expensive (37 Dinar) but it lasts a long time and hopefully will improve matters. By the way, our doctor advised us not to drink the taped water and this is also what tourists are told. (Tunisia could really do with a water-treatment plant.) Luckily the mineral water is fairly cheap. If one can afford it, a better choice for cats too. Those who live out on the road or where ever, as they are without shelter, drink from puddles etc. unless kind folks put some water outside for them. - Eliza, a mainly white cat and regular visitor at my cats' table, gave birth to 4 sweet kittens during the night in one of my flower pots, next to my yucca plant, near my entrance door, it was a real surprise. The little family is well protected behind the metal fencing, but unfortunately difficult to reach (in case any help is needed). At least I can put food and water underneath the yucca plant, the dedicated mummy seems to be grateful for that but she makes at the same time sure that no one gets too close to her babies. On the whole cats are always on the alert here, the result of bad experience with even very small kids, teens and adults. Their brainless stone throwing and other abuses cause quite a few injuries and death. Lately I viewed a youngster kicking a cat like a football (making the cat pay because his parents don't love him and he dropped out of school?). It made me so angry, I hit him with my shoe to show him my contempt. The next day, another disturbed young man tried to beat a cat with a string, "just for fun". I informed him that his IQ is like that of a loaf of bred, hope it'll make him realize how stupid his action was, nothing to be prowd of.  What happened to this new generation, why are some so ugly? Tunisia urgently requires laws for the protection of animals and of course employees who ensure that children and adults abide by the law. This would also make Tunisia more attractive for Tourists who are not at all happy to watch the abuse of animals. I am not saying that animals are always well treated in Europe, but there in particular cats and dogs are often seen as a kind of family member and folks really enjoy their unconditional love and friendship. Kids with a disturbed attitude, who believe chasing animals, throwing stones at them, is normal, have no feeling of wrong-doing when they injure or even kill them, really miss out, besides, are they likely to become good citizens one day, loving parents? There are of course also children from good families who love and respect animals. One mother told me, now that her son got a cat, he is so much more relaxed, another mum that her little one cried all night because the cat disappeared. They were so happy when they discovered the kitten underneath a blanket. I regard animals as a present from heaven. The money that I was intending to spend on travelling to various African countries, I now use trying to protect and help cats and I don't regret it. They are so wonderful, these little darlings. People here unwittingly made me change my plans. I try to also make the kids think twice before getting up to no good, besides, no sweets (or other presents) for throwing stones. This is what "Madam Bonbon" (appears to me my new name here) says. Tunisia can be a great country, this requires not looking the other way and speaking up when necessary, educate the ignorant, children also have brains they can use, don't apologise everything. 

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