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Sunday 19 August 2018

Eid Moslem Holiday

Lots of sheep in the neighbourhood. Aid holiday coming up, celebration of the story from the Genesis 22 (, that part of the Bible that Jews, Christians and Muslims share, in different ways. For the Muslims I would say it is as important as Christmas for Christians. It is a custom to buy a sheep (if somehow possible), feed and walk it for approx. one week, let the children play with it. I may be wrong, but I am under the impression that often children see the sheep more like their future delicious meal than like a living animal. I am glad I was never forced to eat such a
temporary new family member. Already at a very young age I even refused to eat fish that my father had caught and brought home alive. And yes I stopped eating meat, not because I didn't like the taste of it, but because I love animals. If meat would grow on trees or bushes, I would have continued, and yes, I don't want to criticise religious customs. - Anyhow, I would like to use the occasion to suggest listening to the song: "The Story of Isaac", lyrics (and sung) by Leonhard Cohen. It is telling the story from Isaac's perspective. What this song is about, Leonhard Cohen explained like this: "It's about those who would sacrifice one generation on behalf of another......... and just at the last moment, before he was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel held the hand of the father. But today the children are being sacrificed and no one raises a hand to end the sacrifice."

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