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Sunday 25 November 2018

It Ain't Easy

"The truth is so precious that it must be hidden. "(Churchill) Tunisia can be proud of her citizens. They value morale, freedom of speech, human rights higher than money. Being poor doesn't  mean they are prepared to sell their souls. Governments (e.g. in USA) should more often listen to the people...  A lesson the Saudis and hopefully in particular MBS (Saudi crown prince) learn, is that money isn't everything and decent guys don't want you to get away with murder. I remember a Spanish judge issuing an international arrest warrant for Pinochet and when he came to visit Great Britain he did actually get arrested. Thank heaven for civilisation, international laws and folks (no matter whether Muslims, Christians or Jews) who are not prepared to look the other way! The people in Argentina, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Turkey and other countries share this believe. Hopefully the demonstrations will remain peaceful. - Inflation is high, 15% are unemployed. Prices have risen 2 or 3 times this year, bred remains cheap, so everybody should at least be able to buy bred. Not surprising imports have become especially expensive, some products are no longer on the market, but with a bit of luck local alternative products are available. Imported dry food for cats, a 20kg sack from the vet, used to cost 238 Dinar meanwhile I have to pay 260 (this may seem a luxury, but if you love cats.... (are perhaps willing to live modestly) and it contains Taurine, cats need this for their health). The so-called salami (600 g turkey meat mainly) used to be 2 Dinar, now the price is 2,600 Dinar, all prices quoted are of this year. Milk and butter stock remain limited. Customers are requested not to buy more than 2 l of milk per day.  It ain't easy, in particular when more or less all prices appear to be going up. Chapeau for citizens who say the Saudi crown Prince isn't welcome here!

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