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Saturday 24 November 2018

Postscript Cats know my Name

Cat education isn't difficult, after a few days they've already taught us what is most important. Life without money is possible, providing you manage to convince folks it's worth their while to support you. If your manners are good and you are charming, you can even have servants (dogs have a master and/or a mistress, cats have servants). When the cat is away, the servants are mourning. It is an advantage to be beautiful, but it is not necessary, intelligence is more important, it offers you many opportunities. Cats are very loyal, you can't buy their love, they are not corrupt, not vindictive, but they know jealousy. Some are happy in a community, others prefer to be "the only child". Amira, our first Tunisian cat, still lives with us together with her 4 now adult children, Tiger, Soleigh, Sandy, Bijoux and our other fur angels. Sandy doesn't like when I am surrounded by other cats. She is really only happy sitting next to me and me stroking her golden fur. Her reaction to Jolino is special, she obviously doesn't like him,  makes a lot of fuzz, as if he threatens her, while he only sits in front of her, saying and doing nothing. I think he enjoys her strong reaction. He is my biggest cat, approx. 6 kg, mainly white fur with golden patches. The other cats feel comfortable in his company. Sometimes Sandy, Tiger and lately also Diana and Alien copying the others, chase Myriam, who likes to sleep in the wooden house that a local carpenter created for us. I don't know why he made it look classic German style. Sometimes Felicitas, Lilly or Eileen join Myriam in her wooden house, they get on well with each other. Unfortunately the cats here tend to have a lot of teeth problems, due to adherence. Poor Bijoux had an appointment with the dentist vet 3 times this year, she is 5 1/2 years old. Nature's protection device for sick cats, hide when you are weak and maybe easy prey, is not very helpful when you want to take her/him to the vet's (apart from the possible fight as the cat doesn't want to enter the transport box). But anyhow, when your cat's behaviour changes, in particular when hiding, she or he is likely to be sick. Screaming while eating makes it pretty obvious what's wrong. Unlike us the cat needs anaesthesia, but then again we wouldn't attempt to bite the dentist. Though there are times when one may feel like doing likewise.

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