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Monday 8 July 2019

Postscript More about my Little Darlings

Two men walking home late at night after several drinks. First man: "I wish I were a mouse, I wish I were a mouse...." Second man: "What are you on about?" First man: "My wife is afraid of mice." -
Now is the time I fear so much, tiny lovely baby kittens appear, many get run over by cars, several are put out on the street often separated from their mother (who may or may not be killed by accident or wilfully). Well meaning folks all too frequently leave the tiny ones at my door step. Unfortunately I haven't got a sanctuary, a garden, only two terraces and cats that feel already that my "family" is getting too big. Besides, I still need to be able to cope, physically and financially. As I don't let my little treasures out on the street to leave their excrement somewhere there, I have my daily toilet cleaning work and to buy quite a bit of sand for the toilets. Anyhow, it remains depressing for me being unable to help all cats in need. Having decided that no more additions are possible, my new arrivals are: lovely white (with a bit of black, looking quite cheeky like the cat from a well known cartoon here) Leilah, sweet black and brown Natasha, pretty black and white Natalie, precious brown and black streamed Rachida (one eye missing that is why I at first thought she's one of mine already and just ran out). The very latest, not very well orphan Daniel, lovely white cat with blue eyes, the only survival of his family, as a charming well educated lady from the neighborhood told me. She feared that should he die as well it would depress her young boy who would love to save all cats, just like me. Schlawiner sometimes sleeps on top of my letterbox I discovered or my awnings, cheeky lad, as long as he doesn't climb on top of my roof and create a lot of unrest there. Because of him I had almost all my lady cats neutered. Some are too young and as Diana is suffering from a chronic cold I have a problem. Giving her the anaesthesia could turn out to be fatal. It is now really hot here I was hoping there would be no more sneezing, running noses... Since cats have no handkerchief they clean their faces and noses with their tongue, not at all ideal and I am not always there to use tissue instead (they hate this). In some cases the cold has become chronic unfortunately. I can't afford vaccine for my big family, so sad. My vet afford a good price in view of their number but it is still too much.

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