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Sunday 21 July 2019

Summer Time

Everybody makes occasionally mistakes, but only real men admit these. (Words of a Czech song).  The same applies to women of course. Here, though, it seems to be common believe that strong folks never make a mistake or at least should always deny this. Put the blame on someone else.... Further, it is normal for a tradesman not to arrive at the time he himself picked, usually it is several hours later or even on another day. If he phones to inform you accordingly, consider yourself lucky. Labour is much cheaper here than in Europe, but you only get what you pay for, better not to compare (with a few exceptions). People quickly feel insulted even by only well mend suggestions.
Now that nights are rather warm and days pretty hot, there is less football playing during the day, but at what is considered "sleeping time for kids" in most parts of Europe, is when lots of children suddenly appear, very active, "full of beans". On account of what I would call extreme long holidays, they can sleep until lunch time and anyhow apart from playing football they don't seem to know much how to spend all that time on their hands. Pity books are out of fashion. Scientists discovered that it's better for the brain development to write by hand rather than mobile phone or notebook, as it would require more brain activity. - The beaches in Tunisia are by nature of a high quality, very fine sand and where tourists are likely to turn up they are usually kept clean. Even though the administration tries to put a stop to this stupid rubbish dumping (one can be fined), more is required. Start with the kids, once they understand that the environment needs to be protected (their future) they could even tell ignorant adults to do so. The plastic bottle collectors (many) do a good job. For one kilo they are paid approx. 600 Miliem, not much but for some the only income. I was shocked to learn that the beaches are endangered by raising sea water level and pollution. Urgent action is required before it's too late, after all these beautiful beaches are not just a tourists' attraction, Tunisians love them too and who would like to see Carthage or Hammamet disappear into the sea? Let us protect the World Heritage, amazing sites in Tunisia and the future of this mainly beautiful country. Not to forget the poor, the government promised special support for those in need in particular in the south, an area neglected by various governments. Tunisia has much more to offer than most tourists are aware of.

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