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Thursday 19 September 2019

Continued Never Mind Don't Worry

On the stairway to heaven we meet all animals that we encountered during our life time and they report how we treated them. (A legend of the First Nation, but I also heard this from some religious Muslims) A nice thought. The other day I viewed a very young little boy attempting to kick a cat. He was accompanied by two women dressed religious style. As they didn't react I shouted: "haram haram" (forbidden according to the Quran). You may say "but he is just a child". Sorry, I don't believe that kicking a cat or throwing stones at animals is a normal behaviour for a child of any age. The urge to stroke their soft fur would be though, but I noticed again and again that cats run away from kids and youngsters, they do here, in Europe I never saw this. Animals learn from experience, just like we do. Our cats Diana, Amira, Julino and Lilly once or twice walked out to see if they can find a better service across the road but quickly returned, so we are not bad "vice parents" after all. Good to know. Since they all love to cuddle and test how many fit on our lab, we shouldn't doubt this. In the morning all want to join me in the kitchen, may be we should have bought a house with two kitchens, one for our little fur angels..... I heard cats like to adopt old age pensioners as they have plenty of spare time.   Cats don't care if you are old and have wrinkles. These little darlings are certainly not stupid. At my "cats' table" among my outdoor guests are lately a mummy cat with her four children and another one with only one kitten (probably originally four). They come looking for me if I am late and then we all walk to their shelter and I feed them there. Makes it easier for the little mummies then carrying one piece of "salami" after the other to their little family. - Sandy sitting on her little stool on the window sill (I call it the cats' balcony) suddenly jumps down. Wondering what caused her fright was quickly answered, neighbours informed us that we had a burglar climbing onto our roof. Questioned what he's doing there he declared he was looking for his cat. Lol! Interesting excuse for breaking into other folks' houses. Strange, a couple of nights before I dreamt a burglar was trying to get inside our house and I was running from room to room in order to quickly close all the windows. Then I woke up.  Our security fencing on top hurt the young burglar's private parts. Nothing was stolen, he left in a rush chased away by my big family I would like to think. Not every theft and burglary is reported to the police because people fear revenge from the concerned clan. That is no way to achieve changes. The punishment for a robbery has been increased to five years prison I am told. Anyhow the burglar was on camera, some persons know him and his uncle intends to take him to the police where he has already a file with five previous such cases. As he takes drugs getting arrested will probably save him from committing bigger crimes and at the same time offer a chance to "go through cold turkey" in prison. Hopefully he will learn from experience and gets one day a chance for a new start. - School started but at 10 a.m.  the first student's were allowed to go home again so they won't experience too much stress following a three months holiday. School books looking like new are lying in the rubbish container. Gone are the days when such books were either sold to younger students or handed to younger relatives. Times are changing, if we are lucky for the better.

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