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Thursday 5 September 2019

Never mind don't worry

A Christian family in a car getting stopped in a Taliban controlled area. Being asked whether they are Muslims or Christians, the father replies: "Muslims"  "Okay can you quote from the Quran?" The father quotes a passage from the Bible and gets permission to carry on with his journey. The mother is angry: " How can you do this, you risked our life." " Not at all," her husband replies, "if they would know the Quran, they wouldn't commit those atrocities, after all they are all Haram (forbidden).
When we came here we were surprised to find so many beautiful cats, some in Europe really expensive ones, e.g. the Burmese Colour Point one, out on the street, later on in front of our house, apparently without any owner (I prefer not to call myself an owner but a friend, these cats are like family for us). The other day we discovered a gorgeous looking tomcat, blue eyes, light beige fur with brown paws, same marking on ears and nose, perfect Burmese breeding (used to be the most expensive cat in the world). The little treasure was out on the street and not paying much attention to the traffic. A young boy informed us that the woman to whom this cat belonged put him out because he would urinate in corners of the house ("marking" his area, typical for non sterilised tomcats) and scratch furniture.  Some folks don't know how this can be stopped without such radical action or don't want to spend 50 Dinar at the vets. Concerning scratching  furniture, this serves as claw care, as an alternative one can offer a tree trunk (or something smaller) with a rope or a cord wrapped around it. Anyhow, I think we now know why there are so many little treasures homeless. In the past we suspected that maybe French or other foreigners left them behind when they left Tunisia. Frankly we are shocked that these great darlings are treated by local folks like throwaway articles. So sad. How can one put a cat that gives us her/ his love and trust out on the street, risk that the cat gets run over by a car (so many do), has to starve, fall sick... No feeling of any responsibility? In view of such an attitude I am no longer surprised how ignorant parents handle their disturbed kids, they leave them to scream out on the street, so they can themselves relax undisturbed. Imagine parents reading fairytales at the bedside of their little ones. Experts say it has a positive effect on their brain. So does sleeping at night, when it's dark. Should the young ones really decide themselves when it's time to go to bed? Parents may think it's safe if their child is together with other kids of more or less the same age, but such groups tend to particular act like "hooligans". The street is a bad teacher. Why are holidays so long and so many teachers unemployment? Seems to be such a waste. If more children would at least read books and experience the joy books can give.

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