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Wednesday 11 December 2019

My Gorgeous Children and Fur Neighbours

"If everybody feels secure we are tolerate" Ken Loach. - When we first moved here, quite a few cats arrived at our doorstep, I felt they were introducing themselves as possible "tenants". One actually already greeted us from inside, looking out from a broken window. The house being in urgent need of renovations it appeared to be a bit early to make a decision on which pet should live  with us, though we had already made up our mind to form a family with two cats. Little did we know! With lovely Amira, tri-coloured, mainly white, it was love at first sight, for her and us. She got at least four times "engaged" and one could see the result when her sweet kittens arrived, all on the same day, amazing. This was in May 2013. Amira was a great loving mum with gentle children: Tiger (black, brown streamed, white bib, socks and tummy (fairly common marking among cats), Sandy yellow and white, Soleigh mainly white with some yellow spots, Bijoux tri-coloured, resembling her mother. All a bit bigger than most cats here and fairly strong while fit. One day in January 2019 Soleigh disappeared without a trace. We must assume that our little darlings is no longer alive, so sad. Last year Bijoux started to get sick, not very worrying at first but finally vets couldn't save her live. In the end she was just bones and fur and needed a lot of attention. We didn't want her to suffer unnecessarily, yet trips to the vet made her panic, a difficult decision, we decided to let her die at home if possible. Our tomcat Mallek stayed with her during the last days of her live right until the end. Who says animals don't know empathy? Amira had to be operated twice on account of a growth, size of a five Dinar coin .  She also is no longer as fit as she used to be, now approx. eight years old, times seven is supposed to give you an idea how this compares to human life expectancy. Thus now a middle-aged not very happy lady. From time to time she shouts a lot, wants us to be with her all the time (forget about toilet....,) wants to sit on my or my husband's lap, lately also on my shoulder, (does that make me a witch? Well, I luckily don't resemble Trump, who according to his own words is the witch presently hunted, going back in history, what was done with witches....?) then quite unexpectedly runs out, decides to jump off the roof onto the awning and into the street. After several days, or just a day or two she returns. Previously she didn't like the street at all, had enough after five minutes at the most. This morning I had to crawl underneath a car and drag my precious one out. She purrs while I give her a massage, poor little darling. A young man with a bulldog on a lead (thank heavens for that) passed by, three of my regular customers (visitors to my cats' table), a brown Persian cat, a black, light and dark brown one and another tri-coloured, brown, orange and white, were ready to fight. I got a shock, this would be too much for me to bear. Thank heavens the young man pulled his dog away and moved on. One day when one of my cats shouted a lot, I advised my little  treasure to stop this, what will the neighbours think.....? My brother suggested I inform them that he wasn't complaining about me but them! Suzy from time to time suffers from mistaken identity, plays the male part chasing Milka, Adele and Natasha and wants to mark her hunting area. In addition she scratches at the window when she wants to come indoors, while Lilly continues to "knock" at the door by banging the key attachment against the door. This she does quite impressively, one could think there is a guy at the other side. Our fur neighbours want to ensure that not too many turn up for free food, newcomers are frequently chased away. One lately came running, picked up a piece of sausage (folks here call it salami), ran away, returned for some more and so on, I made sure the little sweetie also got her share.

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