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Sunday 8 December 2019

Retrospective Make Tunisia Great

Scientists discovered that 2% of Neanderthals' Gene still exist in European, American and Asian population but not in African, even though the cradle of mankind stood in Africa!
Small birds with spotted feathers mainly live on olive trees which often turns out to be fateful for them. With the aid of stretched sheets they are caught and sold for consumption. Why we must eat small birds (in Europe e.g. quails) while they are on the decline and only provide minor amounts of meat, I can not understand. Can't we just enjoy their beauty and thank heavens for their very existence? The other day I viewed a man sitting on a chair, in front of him slightly hidden cages with these olive tree birds, a bucket, and without them making a sound, he swiftly took one after the other and slit their throats. I felt for him it was like cutting potatoes. It made me feel sad, like it always does when I see or hear of animals being killed. - One day hopefully more folks of all ages, starting with the young ones, will open their eyes, view a great nature worthy of protection. We will all profit and we owe this to the coming generations. As the First Nation in America put it: Mother Earth, she is only lend to us.

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