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Friday 31 July 2020

It can only get better

"You don't realize how much people can hate, they can hate so much they'll tear the world to pieces." Arthur Miller

Walking along Rue Hedi Chaker (Sidi Bu Jafar, Sousse) , it is boiling hot, no shadow on the side along the beach. I remember a line of quite a few old tall Palm trees, that was before the revolution, why are they all gone? Come to think of it, there are altogether not many trees in Sousse, though
in some streets those planted by the French still exist, additions are pretty rare unfortunately, trees don't just provide shadow they also improve the air and help that towns don't get quite so heated up. Kairouan is there more up to date, the town authorities planted and still plant many trees; it also makes those roads look more inviting. Actually I too planted a tree 2 or 3 years ago, one of those fast growing ones with many small leaves. It was approx. 0,50 m high at the time and now it must be at least 2 m! One problem in certain parts of Sousse are the hooligans who don't value the environment and don't understand why it should be protected. Where parents fail, teachers and the media should step in and make kids at a young age aware of nature's (including animals) beauty and that only stupid people try to destroy and kill. Not surprising, folks in several countries were horrified by the brutal attack on an animal shelter home for dogs in Djerba, more than twenty dogs and puppies were slaughtered in a sadistic way that speaks of a lot of hate and evil characters. The criminals we're fairly quickly caught thanks to camera recording. Then a shameless mob went to the police station and demanded the release of the three devils. I wonder what is going on in their heads. The situation became unbearable for the dogs that survived and the animal protecting folks and they left with the help of many people dedicated to animals' well being, they came from various parts of the country and a demonstration for animal rights and putting a stop to killing cats and dogs (supposed to keep their numbers down, better ways are practised in several countries) took place in Tunis. Meanwhile the President signed a paper declaring that the killing will stop, the criminals will be send to prison and there will be zero tolerance for animal abuse. The right man at the right time in the right place. Thank heavens for that. Various organizations signed in support. The Prußian Philosopher Immanuel Kant: "He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with man. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."

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