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Friday 17 July 2020

Much Scope for Improvement

People are always going to find something wrong with people who are not the exact same as them. That's the way it is. Black, white, short, tall, religious, whatever. People are bad." Chris Rock
It is summer and it is pretty hot, on the roof a bowl with water almost boiling hot - nevertheless some cats have got a cold, not what I expected. My vet recommended Bronchi-stop (0,5 ml and 1 ml 
water sprayed into the mouth), fairly cheap and works quite well. The main health problems of cats here is bad gum, bad teeth, generally a poor immune system. Many die as kittens, get run over by cars (they like to sit underneath for cover and shadow) and don't get much older than 5-8 years. Generally speaking cats are in a much better shape than before the revolution and many would be quite expensive in Europe, really beautiful and gentle, in spite of this often been abused by stupid ignorant folks and their kids. Children frequently simply imitate or react to their parents behaviour. Parents who are cruel to animals, tell their children that they are dirty, useless and therefore must be kicked or chased away, thus kids learn that it is perfectly okay to abuse animals, not aware that is actually contrary to the prophet's teachings (haram). Apart from that cats kill mice, cockroaches, scorpions, can work as an alarm clock, warn when a fire breaks out, comfort depressed or sick people, make you smile or laugh, play football with four legs. Dogs saved many folks life, buried underneath crushed houses, soil, snow or in water, aid blind persons, help trace criminals and drug dealers, offer true and loyal friendship. Cats and dogs are more useful than some good-for-nothings....
who like to believe that they stand high above animals. (How to get their brains pea sized? You just have to do a lot of pumping!!!) Anyhow, children who grow up with such bad models usually are aggressive, bullies, without respect,
don't become gentle but violent adults, often criminals. Many believe in beating their children if they don't obey, this is practiced in several countries and may well be the reason why we have so much violence in the world, control by fear. Bullies are not born but raised. There is hope that the brutal and senseless killing of so-called stray cats and dogs will be stopped in the future. At least some governors are open to alternative solutions to reduce the number of "unwanted cats and dogs", alternatives that are cheaper and work in the long run, already tried out in other countries. Besides, here are many folks who want the slaughtering to stop and the number of animal protection organizations are on the raise. They also have the support of quite a few veterinarians. I would like to donate the song of Cat Steven: "I love my dog" to those who order the shooting of dogs and poisoning of cats. Cat Stevens by the way later on changed his name to Joussef Islam and was denied embarking to US because some bright authorities there decided that someone with such a name must be a terrorist! Today two black and white sweet approx. six weeks old kittens suddenly arrived near my house. A little boy, 5 years old, attempted to kick one of them. Is this normal behaviour? Wouldn't it be more natural for a child to stroke the little fur darling? Well, not for these disturbed kids around where I live. It has improved though, they all know my and my husband's attitude and that hitting, kicking, and stone throwing, etc. is not acceptable to us. We live and demonstrate a different treatment of animals. I am proud to come from an educated animal loving family, or should I say I am lucky that abusing animals was never accepted in my family? 

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